
Showing posts from May, 2008

Just 19 Words

GOD, OUR FATHER WALK THROUGH MY HOUSE AND TAKE AWAY ALL MY WORRIES AND ILLNESSES; IN JESUS NAME AMEN I got this in my e mail and wanted to share it with all of my friends and loved ones! Hope you get as much benefit out of it as I have! I pray this when life gets too much for me! Love, Dawn

the day

not a lot to blog today. the kids go to mom tomorrow. she decided not to pick them up today. so i will drop them to her in the morning. other than that no new news. so i added a couple of the blogthings here

what holiday are you

You Are Thanksgiving You are a bit of a homebody who enjoys being in the company of people you love. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. You're enjoying life as it is. You have many blessings in your life, and you are grateful for each one. You believe that life is about what you *do* have. You feel like you have enough of the good stuff. What makes you celebrate: Family, friends, and the changing of the seasons. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The host of the party On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Spend so much energy preparing that it's a full time job What Holiday Are You?

2004 hit song

This Love by Maroon 5 "I was so high I did not recognize The fire burning in her eyes The chaos that controlled my mind" You were so great in 2004 that you make everyone a little bit sick! What 2004 Hit Song Are You?

Wednesday.... what happened to the day???

I got off of work, and Ryan and the girls met me at Jerry's in Jeffersonville for breakfast. Might I add that we love Jerry's for breakfast, then it was off to Walmart to get pull ups for Maddie, race home, Dawn shower, Ryan drop off your car. Off to New Albany by 9 for an errand. Dawn drops Ryan off at Maxx's house, then takes the girls to Save A Lot. Back home now... Bring in the groceries, put away the cold stuff. Put Maddie down for a nap, Kenzie and Mommy cuddle (with hopes of a short nap) NOPE NOT HAPPENING. Maddie is awake again... Ryan gets home shortly after and sends me downstairs to the toy room (we moved the mattress and boxspring there since it is cooler there yay) and I get a 3 hour nap while: RYAN DOES LAUNDRY AND TAKES THE KIDS TO THE PARK! Wow thanks a bunch! Kenzie had been wanting him to do that and he did! Then 8 pm comes and Ryan wakes me up with the fear that if I didn't wake up I wouldn't sleep tonight.... Well quite opposite, I woul...

as you can see

i fell asleep too early, so woke up at 1am and couldn't go back to sleep. instead i started playing on the computer so I wouldn't wake the house up. so now, with it being 5 am, i am going to try to go back to sleep... we will see what happens....

purple says

What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You: Intuitive --- Seeking --- Creative Kind --- Self-Sacrificing --- Growth Oriented Strong --- Very Wise --- Rare What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

where should you spend your summer???

You Should Spend Your Summer at the Beach You're a free spirit who is always thinking of new ways to have fun. And you don't just love summer... you live for it. So, you really should blow off your responsibilities and head to the beach! Where Should You Spend Your Summer?
WHEN YOU THOUGHT I WASN'T LOOKING children are watching and doing as you do, not as you say. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and learned it was good to be kind to animals. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my favorite cake, and learned little things can be the special things in life. When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a prayer, and knew there is a God I could always talk to, and I learned to trust Him. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a meal and take it to a sick friend, and learned we all must help take care of each other. When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had little, and learned that those who have something should give to those who don't. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take ...

crabby old man

Crabby Old Man What do you see nurses? . . What do you see? What are you thinking . . . . . When you're looking at me? A crabby old man, . . . Not very wise, Uncertain of habit . . . . . . . With faraway eyes? Who dribbles his food . . . . . . And makes no reply . When you say in a loud voice . . . . "I do wish you'd try!" Who seems not to notice . . . The things that you do . And forever is losing . . . . . . . . . . A sock or shoe? Who, resisting or not . . . . . . . . . . Lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding The long day to fill? Is that what you're thinking? Is that wh at you see? Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . . You're not looking at me . I'll tell you who I am . As I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, . . . . . . As I eat at your will . I'm a small child of Ten . . . . . . . With a father and mother, Brothers and sisters . . . . . . . . . Who love one another A young boy of Sixteen . . With wings on his feet Dreami...

spare an angel

I found her staring at the rain And asking why it has to hurt so bad Where's the limit to the pain Her heart can take before it breaks in half? I wanted to be strong enough to hold her And show her the way But she's so far out of reach And now all I can do is pray... Can You spare an angel tonight Send a little help from Your side 'Cause somebody's lost down here Let him wing his way through the dark Carry some of Your love into her heart Can You spare an angel Spare an angel Spare an angel She wanders further in the dark Feels the cold, hears the thunder cry While the rain keeps pouring down Her only answer from the lonely sky And she has no idea how much You love her Or how much You care So would You choose one of Your best To be the answer to my prayer? Can You spare an angel tonight Send a little help from Your side 'Cause somebody's lost down here Let him wing his way through the dark Carry some of Your love into her heart Can You spare an angel Spare an an...


Brian and Maria, (and the rest of the family) Upon reading Maria's blog, I felt compelled by one of my favorite artists (Third Day) to dedicate this song to your family. I know it goes on about more than just loosing someone, but I felt like you might need this song to see you through this tough time in your life right now. I know it isn't easy (afterall I did loose my biological mom to cancer when I was nine), but know that Jesus is always there for you to lean on! I know that with Brian being a preacher you all know that, but sometimes it doesn't hurt for a friend to remind us that Jesus is just a thought away. Hope this helps and know that we are praying for your whole family in this time of need. Love, The Cox Family To everyone who's lost someone they love Long before it was their time You feel like the days you had were not enough when you said goodbye And to all of the people with burdens and pains Keeping you back from your life You believe that there's...

Sunday.... Church.... The girls.... NO SLEEP

Hey all, Just getting ready for a nap before going to work. HAPPY SUNDAY ALL! Thank God for all you have! For it may be taken from you at any point. I went to church this morning since after all I had to get the kids from Mom. I really would rather go to CIC, but since that is where Mom goes, I have to go there to get the kids, so I guess that is just what I have to do for now until I find a true home church. Church was good except, MADDIE decided to throw a terriffic tantrum! I am borrowing Beth's philosophy on the terriffic two's! I am trying to be optimistic. So, off to the nursery for some calm down time with her. She was fussy almost the whole service, so I had to stay in the nursery. Kenzie sat with Mom and Pop. When we were getting the carseats in my van from Mom's little DEER DAMAGED Kia, Kenzie started crying "I WANT MY NANA" which is wierd because we had to bribe her to go to Nana's house in the first place! Now she just wants Nana! How strange these...

what color girl are you

You Are A Blue Girl Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you. You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict. If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well. You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart. What Color Girl Are You?

1996 theme song LOL!

Your 1996 Theme Song Is: Macarena by Los Del Rio When I dance they call me macarena And the boys, they say that I'm buena They all want me, they can't have me So they all come and dance beside me What's" Your 1996 Theme Song?

What do you think?

Hey guys. As you can see below here, I did a look a like meter for both of my girls. Please let me know what you think..... I don't agree with Kenzie's results! We have all always thought that she looks just like me.... Maddie on the other hand we have never been able to decide who she looks more like. I just thought it would be fun to see what you all think.. Just leave a comment and we will post the results later this week or next week! In other things....THE HOUSE IS STILL QUIET! The girls are still at Mom's house. I will pick them up at church tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see them. It has been a while since they have gone and well, I MISS THEM! I can't believe with as much as they try to get on my last nerve (mainly Kenzie) sometimes, I actually miss being bugged like that! Amazing isn't it? Ryan worked today and since the house was so quiet, I did housework and home work to keep me busy. I just needed to keep myself busy. I actually got ...


Magnificent, holy father I stand in awe of all i see Of all the things you have created Still you choose to think of me And who am I that you should suffer your very life to set me free the only thing that i can give you is the life you gave to me Chorus This is my offering, dear Lord this is my offering to you, God I will give you my life for its all i have to give because you gave your life to me I stand before you at this altar so many have given you more i may not have much i can offer Yet what i have is truly yours Chorus This is my offering This is my offering, dear Lord This is my offering to you, God Well i will give you my life For its all i have to give Because you gave your life for me This is my offering to you, God well i will give you my life For its all i have to give Because you gave your life for me Because you gave your life for me My good friend Aaron turned me on to Third Day and Newsboys about 10 years ago, and I to this day enjoy listening to them. I recently ...

Kenzie looks like....

MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Geneology - Family tree layout

Maddie looks like...

MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Genelogy - Geneology

A few new pics

My pretty lil princess. She was so not wanting pics done, so I did what I do best, take pics while they are playing and you get better more natural pics that way anyway. Here is little Gabe. It is Maddie's best friend. He lives next door and she absolutely loves it when he is able to come out and play with her. I thought it was about time for an updated pic of her eyes! I love those baby blues!!! "Hey Mom, take a pic I dare you!" they didn't even know what I had planned there! Baby girls and green fondant don't really go well together! Although this is a favorite pic of mine! Hope you enjoyed them all! Dawn

What's this??? It's quiet here!!!

Today, Ryan attempted to allow me some sleeping time, but Maddie and Kenzie kept comming in our room saying, "Mommy!" so I eventually gave up knowing that we were going to try and get Kenzie to stay with Nana. It worked! Mommy and Daddy have a quiet house! YAY! I will get caught up on some much needed rest. I am also copying all of my pics to cd's as we speak. I wanted to have back up copies of all of my cd's and decided putting them on cd would be the best idea. I may even make the different events into slide shows. I will just have to see how creative I want to get with it. I do know that in addition to that I am uploading them all to my Kodak Gallery, so that I can order prints when we get settled in Florida so I can work on scrapbooking some of the things that have happened. I will be uploading some pics here too. So look for the post titled Pictures and more Pictures! Other than that not much here to report other than that I talked to Heather, and we...


Kenzie is finished with school! Yay Kenzie. Maddie is great. Ryan is fine. And I am on my way out the door. More to blog later! Dawn

Potty and slideshow

Mrs. Brittany sent a cd with this slideshow on it home with Kenzie the other day, and here it is for you all to enjoy. This was played at the preschool celebration. I loved it because it allowed us to get a good look at what our kids were doing at school this year. Be ware: THERE IS AUDIO, so turn off my playlist and turn up the speakers! And: IT TAKES ABOUT 20 MINUTES TO SEE THE WHOLE THING! In addition to that, Roy and Carol, Nana and Papa, and Angel, I am making copies for you, if you want one, please e mail me Amanda and Candy. Also, big news MADDIE WENT PEE PEE ON THE POTTY ALL BY HERSELF YESTERDAY! I was so excited for her because she did it all by herself! LOVE IT! I worked again last night, and they wanted me to work tonight. I declined because I need a day off! Ryan is on his way home from work now, so I am gonna go work on finishing doing these cd's for everyone! Love, The Cox family ps. ok so i have been trying for more than 2 hours to get the slideshow t...


So, I have found my next pair of running shoes! Here they are: My friend Kimmy at work had a pair on last night, and well, I put them on and fell instantly in love with them. I always say that I won't pay more than 30 on shoes, but these are totally worth the 100! I have never had a pair of tennis shoes that offer such good support! Like I said I fell in love! I will look around for the color that I want, but all in all that is the shoe I am looking for! Kenzie went to school this morning. Her last day is Thursday. Maddie has been continuing to blossom. Ryan's schedule has changed, so now I can't remember what it is like! I am just trying to rest up for work tonight. And there you have it! Love, THE COX FAMILY

Workin' Lady

Hey there! I am just getting ready to settle down into some homework, but wanted to blog so that my fans don't miss out. I worked last night and was supposed to be with the alzheimers patients but ended up on the brain injury unit, so needless to say, I am tired.... And now, Kenzie is lining up boxes and packing up her most valuables (hannah montanna and high school musical garb!) so funny. I guess she is trying to tell me to get off my duff and come help her out. talk to you later! The Cox Clan!!!!

Here Goes....

I am starting the second half of a long week tonight. I work tonight, tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday night. Alternating 8, 12, 8, 12 hour shifts. Anyway, I should be ok by the end of my last shift. Maddie is doing so much more these days. She is saying so many more words. Among those is her favorite one: BABY! she also loves to say water! It sounds like "waer" and that is that. Kenzie has just been hanging out. She was a really good girl today. I have just been doing what I can to get through today since Kenzie had a rough night and I think I may have gotten 2 hours of sleep, but then again, Ryan will have a rough night with her if we get the bad weather that we are expecting. Anyway, I better get going so I can get ready for work. I hope you all enjoyed the video that I put on here the other day! Love Dawn

My little girl is going to Kindergarten! *tear*

Hey guys, great news! Not only is Kenzie going to kindergarten, but I took a video with my camera, thinking I wouldn't have audio, but I was wrong. I put it on here and played it, boom there was sound! It was great. Here are some of the pics I took from the "Preschool Celebration": Although Maddie doesn't look happy, and Kenzie is off in no man's land, this was the only picture we could get of the three of us. So, I posted it here for everyone. Kenzie had such a great time at the party! How cool is that? "Ok, Mom, I'm ready to go to sissy's school!" with her shoes, cup and hair done, she was completely ready for the trip to New Washington (with the detour, I got lost! Cell phone didn't work up there until I got so far in the boone docks that I wasn't sure what I was going to do!) Kenzie with her class and Mrs Brittany. There were a couple that I couldn't get in the picture, but most of them are here. Pretty little Kenzie! The graduati...

Maddie turns 2!!!

Well, Maddie is turning 2 on Thursday. She is such the big girl and her speech is really picking up. She repeats us all the time now. She is a MONKEY! I can't keep her down! It is typical of my children at the age of 2. Kenzie did the same thing. Her party went well. She got to play with Uncle Roger, Aunt Paula, Aunt Anne, Cody, Jenna, Steve, Grant, Gabe, Dianne, Grayson, Marley, Nana, Papa, Nana Red, Grandpappy, etc. She had a good time. The jumper was a huge success! Thank you Amanda! Although one note, the opening in the one we got wasn't near as big as the ones in Florida! It was very hard for the one adult who got in it to get in. Steve got in and allowed the kids to attack him. It was quite the sight. As soon as I get the pics on here and edited I will post them. Hope you are all having a good day. I am going to put Maddie down for a nap, and then Kenzie and I are going to go have a nap before I have to go to work. Love The Cox Family

sleep, what is that

Well, I was sleeping really good and so was Maddie. We always go back to bed after Kenzie gets on the bus. Anyway, we were doing great and then the phone rang and woke her up. Ryan called yet again 45 minutes before I was supposed to wake up. So, now, after Kenzie gets off of the bus, I will have to feed the kids and try to get in a couple hours in the afternoon. I hate it when he does that to me because I feel all groggy all day. Nothing really new here other than working like you wouldn't believe. I will try and update you again tomorrow. dawn

my schedule

This week my schedule is crazy. See the following, and know that I will blog as I can. Sunday 6p-6a (last night) Monday 10p-6a Tuesday 6p-6a Thursday 6p-6a Saturday 10p-6a Sunday 6p-6a Monday 10p-6a Tuesday 6p-6a so with that said, if I am home, I will probably be sleeping... Anyway, I am off to bed since I have to work later. Love, Dawn


So,after not falling asleep until well after 2am this morning, I got up at 8, and got the kids ready, packed the van and we were off to Mom's for Maddie's party.... So, I made sure I didn't forget my camera. That was a major thing... so, we get there and the castle jump was already there. The girls went and got in it right away, I started taking pics. After just 5 pictures, a screen says, Memory Full. I had forgotten my memory card. And since I had to go to walmart for mom anyway, I got a disposable camera to do the party with. So, no pics til I get them developed and then I have to scan them to the desktop so I can then download them here... Long process but you will like the pics (i think). Anyway, I am off. TTYL! Dawn

Happy Birthday Maddie, Love, Yaya and Pappy

Maddie having fun with the play table My favorite pic of kenzie. the water wind mill cute kiddy hands playing in the water the table

"Dawn, I'm gonna call my mom." says Ryan

And I look at him with a look of concern. "Hi Mom." he says (or something like that). And then comes the shocker.... "Mom, we sold the house and are moving back to Florida" and from what I understand her response was a very loud "WHAT!!!!" in the middle of Lowes! How interesting. So a few minutes later I hear, "If you don't believe me, let Dawn tell you the truth." You see, Ryan does things like this to her all the time, so she has a tendency not to believe him. I have to do damage control. So here is the damage control, *We are SELLING our house to an investor. *I have had a job offer for both of us to work for Heather again. *She will work with our schedules where the current place of employment doesn't. *we have found a few different places that we may be interested in renting in Pasco County. *my allergies have really driven me to this decision. I am tired of being sick and I have been battling this stuff for about 2 month...

Long Night!

Last night at work, it was the longest night I have had in a long time. I attribute this to the fact that I have finally gotten used to being up all night, so I brought Maddie (who woke up when Kenzie did for school) to bed with me when Kenzie got on the bus and we went back to sleep. We got up at 10, so since we got a morning nap, I didn't go back to sleep before going to work. I then stayed up all day, and all night. I was 3 hours shy of being up for 24 hours by the time I got home from work, settled down and then the head hit the pillow, the eyes hit the back of the head, and the dreams hit the brain! What felt like minutes later, I hear, "*gasp* MOMMY" and the pitter patter of little feet comming to find me. The time was 12 noon. I went on and got up since I had Maddie's cake to do for her birthday. With that now being done, I am sitting here blogging about to get up and go get things packed so I can take the girls up to Mom's house for her birthday pa...


Well, I don't have long, but, Kenzie is continuing her stance! "COME ON MOM LET'S PACK! I WANNA MOVE TO FLORIDA" she says. In addition to that I spoke with my friend Aaron, who is looking for a concert buddy! Yeah! I did enjoy going to concerts with him and the gang around the age of 18-19. Not to mention that Mom may be having some employment difficulties developing and she is talking of moving to Florida herself. Who knows what will happen. I mean, my allergies are driving me nuts. I have been sick for like 2 months with them. And yes, Roy, you were right, cost of living up here is crazy different. I have looked at our finances and agree with you! there I said it. I was wrong, you were right. And, Heather wants us back as her employees, so I dont' know what we will do. I will be sure to keep you posted though. Lots of love, Dawn

*ring* *ring* "Hello," "Mrs Cox are you comming...."

AHHHH! I got the days mixed up and thought Kenzie's case conference was friday! Nope, It was today. Not a very good start to a horrible day. I got the paperwork home and she doesn't qualify for any additional services. She will continue getting speech therapy, but that is all she will be getting next year. I am pretty bummed about that. So, when Kenzie got home she had the driver yell for me to close my eyes. So I did. She popped off of the bus yelling "HAPPY MOTHER DAY MOMMY!" holding two plants. One in full bloom and one just popped up. I will have to upload pics soon. A little later, she came up to me out of no where and said, "Come on Mom" I said "Where?" she said "Let's pack up" I said "where we going" she said, "TO FLORIDA" Oh man would I love to do that. I totally miss it down there and the best part of Florida was that I didn't have the allergies that I have now. So we just stayed hom...

Some Pics

"Look at this!" Such a big girl! Pretty girl! Love this pose Is that yummy Kenzie?

Not much going on here

Well, there isn't much going on here to blog about today, but I hear that some people look here every day, so figured that Amanda and Carol would want something to read at some point today! :-) Maddie has been a little doll today. She is such a good girl here lately. I just hope the terriffic two's (in the words of Beth) don't hit her hard! Kenzie went to school. I got home just in time to put her on the bus today.. Then Mr. Deaton (the bus driver) said, now go in there and get some sleep! How sweet was that. He knows that I am now working night shift and was concerned that I wouldn't get any sleep. Ryan has been a huge help with me working night shift. He gets up with Maddie and watches to make sure that she doesn't wake me (most of the time) she got away from him this morning and came in my room threw a cup and hit me in the mouth with it saying "MIL" "MIL" she wanted milk. I grabbed the cup and handed it back to her and said, ...

Derby, BBQ, school, kenzie, maddie, astma, and gardening among other things

Derby-- Yes, I watched the race. I wasn't originally going to watch, but since I decided that I would root for Eight Belles, I watched it. Very sad ending. Eight Belles broke both of her front ankles, and had to be euthanized immediately. I know that she isn't suffering, but it is still sad to see your horse come in 2nd place and then have to go down like that. I can't even begin to imagine what the jockey is going through right now. BBQ-- we went to Nana and Pappy's for a barbecue yesterday. I got home in plenty of time to watch the derby. Food was great! It was even better seeing Aunt Charlotte, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Roger, Aunt Paula, Uncle Ivan and Sharon (different one). I hadn't seen Aunt Charlotte since I was under 2 years old, so you can imagine the shock on her face when I was "all growd up"! Anyway, we had a great time and ate, then sent candy home with Uncle Ivan since he was so nice to ask if I had some I could put in a baggie for him...

A somewhat peaceful morning....

This morning, we took Ryan to work and Kenzie was such an angel. She didn't fight or anything when getting ready for school. She was so peaceful. Maddie was a good girl too. We have officially converted her bed to a toddler bed because she is getting old enough to have a toddler bed, so Ryan is going to get the side rail after work today and she will start the transition to her big girl bed tonight. Kenzie brought home a letter for me to sign and return to school. Her case conference is comming up, so I will let you all know how that goes. Maddie has started some new things and among those are wispering. She will walk up to me and wisper "Nana, here. Nana, here. Mommy, Nana Here!" It is so cute. I got all the decorations for Maddie's birthday party so, I am pretty well set for that. I am making her a lemonade pie for her birthday. I don't know if I will do cake or not. Anyway, I will just have to keep you all posted on that. I made some brittle for...