Potty and slideshow
Mrs. Brittany sent a cd with this slideshow on it home with Kenzie the other day, and here it is for you all to enjoy. This was played at the preschool celebration. I loved it because it allowed us to get a good look at what our kids were doing at school this year. Be ware: THERE IS AUDIO, so turn off my playlist and turn up the speakers! And: IT TAKES ABOUT 20 MINUTES TO SEE THE WHOLE THING! In addition to that, Roy and Carol, Nana and Papa, and Angel, I am making copies for you, if you want one, please e mail me Amanda and Candy.
Also, big news
MADDIE WENT PEE PEE ON THE POTTY ALL BY HERSELF YESTERDAY! I was so excited for her because she did it all by herself! LOVE IT! I worked again last night, and they wanted me to work tonight. I declined because I need a day off! Ryan is on his way home from work now, so I am gonna go work on finishing doing these cd's for everyone!
The Cox family
ps. ok so i have been trying for more than 2 hours to get the slideshow to upload, I will continue working on it but i wanted to post this anyway!
Sis, I love you. Your always so chipper...except when your not. Hardy Har Har!