this bed is made for 2
as many of you know, maddie and kenzie finally got twin size beds in their room. as of the last few nights, we have been sleeping in there with them so that we could all benefit from the vaporizer and when i am all totally healed, I will head back into my bed, but for now, I have been sharing a twin size bed with a 2 year old. she is so sweet in her sleep. just snuggles up to me like a lil teddy bear! but anyway, that wasn't the reason for this post, Kenzie has always been our trouble child when it comes to bed time. she has always wanted to sleep with us. tonight she and i had a heart to heart and she understands that her bed is safe and that is where she needs to sleep, so with that said, "Mommy, I want a bath and bed" was what I heard. So I bathed them and they ran to their room. Each jumping into their own bed and laying down... Within a half hour, they were both sound asleep! PRAISE THE LORD! My house is quiet! I dunno what to do with a quiet house! It is sooooo nice! I think I will re re redecorate the tree (2 year old hands like to un decorate it daily) and then turn on some music and get a few things around here done. (Like working out a budget!) and then off to shower with me and to BED! those are the major things that are going on in our house right now. my voice keeps comming and going, but tonight for some reason out of no where I had a voice and could talk with the girls for about 2 hours... LOL. I will keep the hot liquids and humidifier going so that it continues to get better. talk more tomorrow i hope!