
Showing posts from 2009

mommy's sick again

So, I had a cold a few weeks ago and saturday morning i work up sick again. I am hoping that I will be feeling good enought to go to Busch Gardens tomorrow. See, I was given tickets to Busch for a christmas present, but they have to be used before christmas day, so I took tomorrow off of work so that I could go (well switched days prior to me getting sick). I have been feeling so bad that I took an additional 2 sick days. So now I just hope to be feeling better soon. I will be uploading pics here since I got a 32 in 1 adapter and can now use my memory card to upload to the comp. Let's see here... christmas excitement is going on and that's about it. pics later tonight... gotta get ready to go get kenzie from the bus now.


haven't felt like writing

i know i have become a bad blogger, but honestly, i haven't felt like blogging... lately you can see more via my facebook status than you can here... hopefully i will feel like blogging again soon

a busy day

last night, i had scrapbooking.. It wasn't until 2 am that I looked over at the clock and figured out I should be going to bed... LOL. we got up went to the flea market for a couple of things, then met up with carol for pictures with santa and more shopping. we then flew to her house.. put up the fall decor and got christmas suff down and headed home. i am ready to fall asleep now! kenzie and i did make a special thank you card for a very special person!

Scrappin' from the heart!!!!

I had another scrappin' meet at my apartment with Angelena on Friday night. We had so much fun. I am finding that I love doing this because I get to spend time with my bestie and dive into the memories of whatever pages/pictures we are creating that night. I started working on a "Fun in the Sun" page for Kenzie's book and another page for Maddie's book. I will charge my camera, find the adapter and put pics on here as soon as I get the pages finished. Can't wait to meet again on Friday night! More to come.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, I know you are very busy and you are getting lots of letters, but I hope you find this one in the mix of all of the others. My mommy and Daddy have to work Christmas Day, so could you please delay coming for me and my sissy until the day after christmas. Oh, and one more thing, come to Yaya and Pappy's house for us since that is where we want to have our christmas. Now for the best part, Santa here are our lists. Kenzie wants a wii and some wii games. Maddie wants a train track and some engines to chug around it. Thank you and we love you, Kenzie and Maddie

christmas is comming

so, i keep trying to find new ideas for everyone in my family. carol has given me a list, so has derrick and amanda... i know what i am getting riley. shelby is done... kenzie is almost done... maddie i haven't even begun on. ryan hasn't informed me of what he is desiring to recieve. and the same rings true for roy... grandma, well, i am just trying to decide on her... my mom i have part of hers done.... do the holidays ever end? i would guess not for me... i start early (i started in july this year, but somehow got behind on my gift buying... ) what am i gonna do to get caught up? who knows... LOL although, i can't wait for christmas because i am getting excited about what the kids are getting... LOL... i have also asked ryan to get me something really big, so we will see if he follows through with what i have asked him to do or not... since i gave him many ideas, who knows what i will get and that is what i like about the whole thing... kenzie has asked for only o...

Scrappin" with da girls!!!

Tonight I had the best time scrapbooking with some friends from church. Jessica is the teacher in the class the girls are in on Tuesday nights while I am in women's, and Angelena is my bestie whom is a member at the church I go to. I took plenty of supplies for me and her to hang out and work with. I took this machine called Sizzix Sidekick. I have to say I had fun learning how to use it. I wasn't really sure and since Jessica has done this for a while, she taught us some really cool things. She taught me how to take a template and emboss the whole top of my page so that I could make it really cool. I made the first page of Maddie's scrapbook. Next time, I will try to make the first page for Kenzie's book. I want to work on making the two books at the same time. I will likely have to go out and buy 2 scrapbooks so that I can work on the two at the same time. I also was able to spend time with two wonderful women tonight. We mommies don't realize how much...

Long awaited

Well, since we have moved, I hadn't gotten the internet and cable turned on. I broke down this month and got my services re established today. I am trying to decide what pics to upload since we have taken soooooo many since the last upload! The girls are in dance class. I go to womens at church every tuesday. We go every Thursday to evening services and I teach in 4' s 3 weeks a month. Not to mention the normal stuff we try to do... So we are a busy family, but all in all we are doing good. Ryan has been where we work now for a year and my anniverssary is in January. It is hard to believe that Christmas is next month, good thing I am done with Kenzie and only have a few more things to get for Maddie... Can't wait for it to be over!!!! I am so excited for the girls. Kenzie is doing really good in school (oh yeah, i volunteer in her math class every thursday) and Maddie is blossoming like you wouldn't believe. Well I better go for now. More to come!


We had tons of fun! Kenzie decided she would be a bride and Maddie was a princess. My bestie, Angelena, and her two kids, Cecilia and Isabella, came over to Roy and Carols house. Kevin and Ryan passed out candy and The girls and I with Angelena went trick or treating. The kids had a blast. When we were tired and the boys were out of candy, the two mommas came home and the boys took over. Kenzie and Maddie went through their first Haunted House! And LOVED it! Can't wait to have the extra money to go to disney and take them through the Haunted House! That should be really fun!!! And so I am awake and blogging before I forget to do it! My computer is being worked on and when it gets back we are planning on hooking up our cable and Internet so I can get back to blogging on a regular basis as well as putting some fresh pics on here including the halloween ones. That about does it for now...

7 years

I can't believe that it has been seven years since we got married! To celebrate, Carol and Roy watched the girls last night and we had a date night. We went to Souix City Steakhouse here in NPR. I had some awesome cheesy, bacony, mushroomy, chicken with a honey mustard sauce! Yummy! and then we were off to the Cheapo Theatre.... We saw Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince (only cost us a whopping six dollars total). I had read the book and wanted to see the movie and as always I was disappointed because of all the details I thought should have been put in the movie that they cut out. Ryan was a little disturbed. When the hand came out of the water, he jumped LOL! And that is all I am saying in case someone wants to see it and hasn't yet. We then went to Starkey Park and hung out with Kev and Deb for a little while. That was fun. We made it home just before midnight. Fun times, but as we age, our bodies can't handle that as much. Today: Ryan and Roy playing g...

another week has passed...

so, yet another week passes and this is what has occured... thursday-- i volunteered in kenzie's class... had a blast with the kindergarten kids... we did lots of coloring and following directions. lots of fun... then i headed home to check in with ryan and maddie who had just been hanging out like monkeys hang from trees.... i spoke with my mom. pop had some blood work done a few weeks ago... and the white cell counts were high so they did a bone marrow biopsy to rule out cancer... RESULTS ARE IN: NEGATIVE!!! Praise the Lord!!! Friday: i worked. nothing really new there... same saturday and sunday.... monday was more of work only i got pulled to a unit i never work on and it was not fun... tuesday, my bestie met me at church for womens. i have been praying that she would come to womens because she needs the support right now and i was surprised she came.... today we are doing dance...

mid week update

i thought that since i brought the computer to church tonight while the girls were having dance class i would play on the internet. thank you jesus for free wifi! so i sit here realizing how much i need to make sure i get the dc jack on this puter worked on and how much i really do love my computer, but all in all, not a bad thing to do... kenzie is loving her dance class more and more. maddie could care less, so if she doesn't show an interest by the end of the month, then we will drop her and only carry kenzie and then if maddie shows an interest when she gets a little older, she can always pick it up again... ryan had a bout of not feeling well last night... his pulse started racing and i believe he was having an anxiety attack on top of having a hep b shot... and that is about that... i have lots of cake pics to put on here, but don't have the camera with me or i would upload them real quick... tata for now.

Just a little update

things have been a little busy around here. my friend tina lost her daughter unexpectedly last month. she is still waiting for autopsy results. this past week her father fell ill and as of yesterday they were having a bed side vigil at the hospice house waiting for him to pass. keep her in prayers please. my pop is waiting for results from a bone marrow biopsy, so continue to pray for him as well. kenzie is becoming quite the little ballerina. i will try to get some pics soon for you all. maddie is growing like a weed. she got sick about 2 weeks ago and we missed a full week of our normal activities, but now we are back to normal and she is feeling great. she had viral syndrome, so we thank God that it wasn't anything other than that. i am loving volunteering in kenzie's class. it is so rewarding and i can't wait from week to week to go back. ryan is back into the football groove! and that is that. more to come when i can.

Tiny Dancer.... Pre Ballet... Super Athlete

Lots has transpired since coming home from Orlando. Monday- Labor Day, Mom and Dad worked. Kenzie and Maddie hung out. Tuesday- Mom and Dad worked. Kenzie, Maddie, and Mommy went to church. Mommy agreed to do a wedding cake! I can't believe I did it. I am praying that God will control my hands as I do this cake since I always said I would never get into wedding cakes due to the stress! I do love Stacy though! Wednesday- Mommy worked. Daddy organized in the house. Maddie went to Tiny Dancers. She was really shy and didn't get very into it, but it is all new to her, so hopefully in the coming weeks, she will do better with it. Kenzie went to Pre Ballet and Tap. Miss Ashley and Mrs. Amy were beaming with Joy telling us how well she did in the class and she asked as soon as we left the church if she could go back next week! I think we might have found something she enjoys! KENZIE GOT HER FIRST AWARD OF THE SCHOOL YEAR ON WEDNESDAY! She recieved a "Super Athlete...

We had fun!

Our trip to orlando is almost over. We have had fun. We hung out with Amanda and Shelby on Friday. Swam with the girls, and went to a Wedding. We will be vegging today for a little while before heading back to New Port Richey. And then it is back to work with ourselves!

Fun Times

So, we got to Orlando at about 1pm. today. We stopped at Ikea on the way, and had fun. Get to Amanda's house and hung out for the day. Fajita's for dinner and then swimming with the kiddos! Lots of fun was had by all. Now I am playing the restaurant city on facebook! See you there.

Hello world

As many of you know, we have made the decision to move to a smaller place for financial reasons. In the economy today, we needed to make that decision to better secure our future for our children. We currently haven't hooked up the internet, so I will do my best to make it to the library as often as possible to update you here. Kenzie is back in school and loving it. The only thing she doesn't like is the hour and fifteen minute bus ride home. Apparently they do two runs with each bus, so that delays her getting home until 5pm. Poor Kiddo! Maddie is growing like a weed, and I can't believe how much she is talking some days. I asked her this morning to go get daddy to come upstairs and hear this, "Daddy, mommy said get your booty upstairs!" How funny! I have changed my schedule a little, so I am off on Thursdays now and as soon as it is approved through the teacher, I will be volunteering at Kenzie's school on Thursdays. We have found a home church. ...

Cakes and More

I have been a busy little bee. I made a Hannah Montanna inspired cake last week. I have busted out an Africa one this week. I have 4 more this week. One of which will be done when we can get together with Roy and Carol. The other three are a cell phone smash cake, a castle cake, and an avon bag with nail polish and lipstick samples out of fondant. They will all be fun to do! We are heading to church this evening and can't wait. Kenzie and Maddie have been kids. Kenzie had a quick trip to the E.R. because she got a tiny rubberband up her nose, but all is well there. Maddie has been a little model. I will have to put the pics here, but if you want to see them and are on my friends list on facebook, you can find them in there already. If you don't know you can see my cakes here and that is about the update for now... more to come.

"The Clothesline Said So Much" by Marilyn K Walker

I recieved this poem in a baby shower invitation and wanted to share it with you all. A clothes line was a news forcast To neighbors passing by. There were no secrets you could keep When clothes were hung to dry. It also was a friendly link For neighbors always knew If company had stopped on by To spend a night or two. For then you'd see the 'fancy sheets' And towels upon the line; You'd see the 'company table cloths' With intricate design. The line announced a baby's birth To folks who lived inside As brand new infant clothes were hung So carefully with pride. The ages of the children could So readily be known By watching how the sizes changed You'd know how much they'd grown. It also told when illness struck. As extra sheets were hung; Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too, Haphazardly were strung. It said, 'Gone on vacation now' When lines hung limp and bare. It told 'We're back!' when full lines sagged With not an inch to spa...

busy busy busy

I am getting busier as the month goes on. I did the hannah montanna cake for Sherika, and went to church yesterday with Ryan. I got another small cake order for a surprise next week. Which is nice. I am also working on checking out how hard it will be to make the fondant animals and other pieces needed for doing the noah's ark baby shower cake for Anita. She asked me what I am planning on charging for it and upon looking at it I quoted her at the 60-80 range and she was totally game for it. Most people I have run across, I find they want to go the cheap route and I have a new outlook on my cake business. I am making a custom designed creation and I am going to be pricing them accordingly. If I don't, I won't make any money on them. We shall see how that works for me. Kenzie is enjoying her summer off, but is so ready to go back to school. I have Cecilia and Isabella tonight along with Kenzie. Ryan took Maddie to the bowling alley with him. Not much else is going t...


so i haven't been on here lately. friday we had a storm that knocked out my internet and i had to get on the phone with brighthouse to get it back on yesterday evening. finally nearing 8pm we got it done. i am doing a hannah montanna cake today and then I have to do something for roy and carol since monday is their anniversary, and wednesday of next week is roy's birthday, so he has requested a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting! yummmmmmmy stuff! and then I have a cell phone and castle cakes for a 2 year old birthday party. followed by an avon party, then two babyshowers and of course the monthly birthday cake for work... how will i get it all done? WITH JESUS is how! the girls are staying with roy and carol tonight because our friend max coomer is in from indiana. ryan and max are out golfing right now and i just got home from work, so here i sit waiting for the cake to bake... derrick and amanda came in this past weekend... we had dinner over at roys house w...

The academy cake

a couple pics of what i have been doing today.. we started out by going to walmart to pick up something i forgot for the cake... and then picked up lunch and headed to the playground to eat and let the girls have some fun before heading home to bake... i baked the cake adding 1 tbs of meringue pouder to each cake batter to make them stiffer to prevent the cracking that happened with the last cake. i proceeded to work on it... was an all day project. ryan took maddie bowling with him tonight and i stayed home to work on this piece of art. i can't wait to add the oscar to it and present it to my boss tomorrow at the party! derrick and amanda are coming in this weekend to spend time with jen and alex and their kiddos' and she is brining the bowling pin cake pan for me for a cake in july. i just love living so close to her that we can converse about the cakes and I am hoping that as I do more of them again, I will have my skills improve over time. I never worked with much fond...

God is like..... (according to 5th graders)

I say Amen!!!! Fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results: scroll down. God is like. BAYER ASPIRIN He works miracles. God is like. a FORD He's got a better idea. God is like. COKE He's the real thing. (This is great) God is like. HALLMARK CARDS He cares enough to send His very best. God is like. TIDE He gets the stains out that others leave behind. God is...

blogger neglect!

I am so sorry for neglecting the blog. I have been really going crazy this week. Last Tuesday was the last day I blogged, so to try and catch you all up, here goes: Wednesday, I went to work, they sent me home because I agreed to work another day for them. I then did what I could to help Ryan and Kevin with our brakes. When we did the brakes, we had grinded down to metal! And all of the sounds and vibrations with my car stopped! It's amazing what will happen if you just change your brakes. We then all went to bowling. I had a good time with Andie, Deb, and Nita! Thursday, I worked. Status quo. Then I skipped back over to ccwc for Thursday evening service. I dropped Maddie off at her class and walked away as she started flipping out. I then walked Kenzie to her class and by the time I got back to the door to the Sanctuary, Maddie had chilled out. I really enjoyed this service and it went right along with what Dave Ramsey taught me. Friday was my friday off and late in t...

Calvary Chapel Worship Center

I have been told many times about going to this church by friends at work, and I finally felt it was time to give it a try. I called Tina G on my way and let her know to look for me. I got the girls settled in the class they would be in and Maddie didn't even whimper. This has never happened. I then went out to the main area to wait for Tina to get there when I saw another friend from work Robson. I didn't even know he went to that church, so I chatted with him and when it was time to go in the sanctuary, I went on in and was told by my buddy "Men on the right Ladies on the left!" (good ole Rob!). So I followed instructions and proceded with the praise and worship part of the service. When that was over, I found Tina had come in and didn't even recognize me out of my scrubs! So I then moved to sit with her and her friend. I think her name was Shiela. The pastor prayed and we split into the womens group and the mens group. We women had a wonderful discu...

Calloused and Bruised

I have found a new favorite song and the lyrics are below. It is the last song on my playlist, so if you wanna hear it, do the pop out player, and then go down to the bottom of my songs and select it. Ryan even likes it! Calloused and bruised Dazed and confused My spirit is left wanting something more. My selfish hopes My selfish dreams I'm lying with my face down on the floor, Crying out for more Crying out for more Give me words to speak Don't let my spirit sleep Cause I can't think of anything worth saying. But I know that I owe You my life. Give me words to speak, Don't let my spirit sleep... Every night, every day I find that I am nothing I can say. So I stand here in silence Waiting for guidance I'm wanting only Your voice to be heard Let 'em be Your words Let 'em be Your words Give me words to speak, Don't let my spirit sleep. Cause I can't think of anything worth saying. But I know that I owe You my life. Give me words to speak, Don't l...

Riding Miss Maddie

I have been looking for a child carrier of some sort on Freecycle for some time for me to attach to my bicycle when i found one like this (after I posted this link, i found that it is broken. I took a pic and will post it later)and decided to claim it. When Ryan went to pick it up over the weekend, he said a lady was there putting it in her explorer when he pulled up. I e mailed the lady and told her what happened and got "THAT WASN'T YOU?" and when I told her it wasn't I got told "IF THAT WASN'T YOU IT WAS STOLEN TOO BAD MY HUSBAND WASN'T HERE HE IS A COP" and I gave her a description of the vehicle from what Ryan had told me. A couple days later I got an e mail from her saying that it was another freecycler who had looked her up on the internet to find her address and she had gone and taken it, but when she heard what happened, she promptly returned it, so yesterday I went and picked it up. Her husband was really nice and put it in the back...

a new iep, new school, new found happiness for mommy

I have been communicating with the Prinicpal at Kenzie's school a lot lately and got an e mail last night saying that I would be getting a call from the group meeting on her behalf sometime after 11 this morning. I got the call from Mrs. Bunnell the speech therapist wanting to go over the iep with me. I threw on my shoes and went to the school for a totally unexpected meeting. (I threw it upon them when they called (amazing what a little surprise will do) their eyes got buggy big when I actually showed up). I get there and we go over her new IEP. Here is what her new goals are: she will correctly produce /k/, /g/ in all positions of words for 5 minutes of conversation with 90% accuracy for 3 sessions without correcting by the SLP (speech and language pathologist). she will demonstrate her knowledge and use of vocabulary words/basic concepts by correctly identifying a word/concept presented by the slp with 90% accuracy or greater for 4 sessions when given a two step direction, ...

back to semi normalcy

so, we are officially back to semi normalcy... sunday we had the birthday bash... see this post for that info... monday mom stayed in plant city to rest since she had a very long drive on saturday, and then a long day with the party on sunday. tuesday mom came and had lunch with kenzie at school, then condo/house hunted here in new port richey with ryan until it was time for him to go to work and i picked kenzie up a few minutes early from class so that she could have some extra time with nana. we went to ci ci's pizza for dinner and as we were finishing, our neighbor and his kids came in to the place, and let me tell you five screaming kids makes for a quick exit! between my two and his three, we were outta there in no time. we then showed her where the bealls outlet is on 54 and seven springs, then headed home so I could bake a cake, and she said goodnight and what I thought was goodbye. today, i was at work doing what i do after delivering a cake (you will see that pic as so...

Happy Birthday Maddie!!!

Here are the pics from a busy day for Maddie's birthday party! We had a blast and are so happy that Amanda was able to be there to do pics for us! I didn't take the time to put them in any certain order, but here you go! (yes, I made the costume and the cake)!!! Yaya's angels Maddie taking a hit at the pinata, but watch out momma! Toni and Maddie! Ryan, Kenziem Mom, Me, Maddie, Spongebob, Carol, Roy all have to pose for the blended family pic LOL. It is nice to have a sponge in the family LOLOL! I made this cake on Saturday for her party. I had ordered a cake then decided last minute to just make it myself. I was satisfied with how it came out! Shelby and Spongebob Riley and Spongebob Time for presents Nana's angels! Nana and Maddie My baby girl! Ryan, Kenzie, my Mom, Me, Maddie, and Spongebob take time out for a pic. Maddie meets Spongebob! She was so upset because the pinata was coming apart and she didn't want her spongebob to be torn up! "Wait there!...

cakes cakes cakes

i am going to be really busy through next wednesday... if i post at all, it will likely be sugar induced... i had two cakes tonight... i have two due on monday and then one big one due on wednesday... another on the 16th, one on the 25th of june... three baby shower cakes this summer... not one but two wedding shower cakes and a bachelorette cake (these are all before the end of august! i got busy in a hurry!


sunday is maddie's birthday party. this week i will be really busy, so i may take a little blog break, but promise to fill you all in as i can. also, i have four cakes to design, a dress to buy and two babyshowers to plan. a graduation party on saturday evening to boot! update: maddie is going on the potty more and more on her own thank goodness. kenzie is missing school and she only had one day off. work has been increasingly like a psych ward this month. and that is about that.

this week

has been a little crazy... it is getting close to the end of the school year for Mackenzie. I am trying to get everything together for her for the end of school year activities. the school was on a lock down the other day... I have been dubbed the "yeller" outside of back gate. As we wait for our children earlier this week, a car came speeding through the school zone, so I yelled at them to slow down. Must have caught them off guard, because they stopped in the middle of the road and gathered themselves. I as do other parents don't feel like it is fair for them to speed through the zone and put our children at risk. i have made several calls this week for various things... i have more calls early next week to make... maddie has made some progress with potty training. she has been doing some going on her own and it is getting closer to her being trained. she is able to go on the potty, we just have to get her to go on a regular basis. she is very sporatic. i am ...

My baby

turned three today! it's hard to believe that she isn't a baby anymore! if you ask her, she has said she's a big girl! she goes on the potty sometimes... (LOL) and fights with her sister (and wins LOL) she is such a tom boy! she loves climing trees, etc. maddie started life fighting to survive and now we are so blessed everyday by her sillyness! thank God he had his watchful eye on our baby!

Heading to an appointment

Although today is my day off, I told Renee that I would come in this morning to take a patient out to an appointment. It will probably be a short day for me, but all in all, I am working again on my day off. This means I won't have a real day off again until next friday! I am working both days this weekend and so it puts me on a long stretch, but I don't really mind since the money is good. GREAT NEWS: Ryan and I both got raises yesterday at work. Putting Ryan at 12/hr and me at 12.25/hr. This was totally cool! In addition to that they are giving us retro pay for this raise since it was late getting to us. Ryan's is almost 4 months late and mine was 1 month late. Kenzie is doing great. She asked me for a word search book while we were at the Dollar Tree, so I let her get one. I didn't think she would like it because word searches can sometimes be quite hard to do, but she is loving it and doing very well with it! Maddie seems to be doing much better. I am thin...

checking things off the to do list

i feel like today i was able to get quite a bit accomplished. i have: gone through most of the unopened e mails in my inbox. (i have been neglecting my e mails lately and this is not a good thing but like the fly lady says, this clutter is easily taken care of by simply hitting the delete key) i went to work and was sent home since i am working this weekend and it looks like i may have a double on saturday and single on sunday... yay i will end up with over time if it all works out for me the way i am hoping it will... always depends on if renee catches what my plan is before or after the shifts start lol. she unfortunately caught today and sent me packing. ryan didn't make it back to work to pick me up, so i had an hour walk to the house, which wasn't bad at 7 in the morning, and i got my exercising done for the day... so that was another thing off of the daily list. i tended to a sick maddie all day. she isn't feeling much better, she is really suffed up so she is ge...

poor baby

maddie woke up crying last night around 3 am, so I was happy when renee decided to send me home today since i am working the weekend both days... she is now sleeping... and has been for 2 hours. i think she decided "if amanda can be sick so can i" she has a little cough and runny nose, but she was running a little fever this morning... ibuprophen and mucinex took care of the symptoms, but you can still tell she isn't feeling well..
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why Did God Make Mothers? 1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. 2. Mostly to clean the house. 3. To help us out of there when we were getting born. How did God make mothers? 1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us. 2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring. 3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts. What ingredients are mothers made of? 1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean. 2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think. Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom? 1. We're related. 2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me. What kind of a little girl was your mom? 1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff. 2. I don't know because I wasn...

Unknown Author

Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day With little time to stop and pray For life's been anything but calm Since You called on me to be a mom Running errands, matching socks Building dreams with building blocks Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes And other stuff that children lose Fitting lids on bottled bugs Wiping tears and giving hugs A stack of last weeks mail to read So where's the quiet time I need? Yet when I steal a minute, Lord Just at the sink or ironing board To ask the blessings of Your grace I see then, in my small one's face That you have blessed me All the while And I stop to kiss That precious smile -- Unknown

amanda needs prayer

i am sure you remember last year when amanda went into the hospital for an intestinal blockage... well i got a call last night and she is back in the hospital with another blockage... it has been almost a year since the last one, but i just wanted all of my friends to remember her in prayer as it is very painful and they have her on some heavy pain killers to keep her out of pain, but it sends her for a mental loop... she said "high as a kite" in reference to the pain killers they have her on, so just do me a favor and keep her in your prayers. thanks and god bless you all dawn

Obey your parents

So, I am approaching a new technique with Kenzie who has been rebelling yet again, and I know that part of it is because we are not consistent with her, but I am also trying to really teach her the way of the Lord, so tonight before dinner, I told her we needed to have a little bible study. I read to her: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1. I then proceeded to explain to her that when we obey mommy and daddy it is as if we are obeying God, but when we disobey, we are disobeying God, and we don't want to disobey God do we? and she replied with "no, Mommy, we need to obey God" it was such a precious moment. I am trying to make sure that I don't loose my temper with her while I teach her with the help of God that she needs to obey me and Ryan. She will get it after a few times. Maddie has begun stripping completely right before proceeding to go to the potty. She doesn't like doing it on the potty, so we are ...