Happy Birthday Maddie!!!

Here are the pics from a busy day for Maddie's birthday party! We had a blast and are so happy that Amanda was able to be there to do pics for us! I didn't take the time to put them in any certain order, but here you go! (yes, I made the costume and the cake)!!!Yaya's angels
Maddie taking a hit at the pinata, but watch out momma!

Toni and Maddie!

Ryan, Kenziem Mom, Me, Maddie, Spongebob, Carol, Roy all have to pose for the blended family pic LOL. It is nice to have a sponge in the family LOLOL!

I made this cake on Saturday for her party. I had ordered a cake then decided last minute to just make it myself. I was satisfied with how it came out!

Shelby and Spongebob
Riley and Spongebob
Time for presents
Nana's angels!

Nana and Maddie
My baby girl!
Ryan, Kenzie, my Mom, Me, Maddie, and Spongebob take time out for a pic.

Maddie meets Spongebob! She was so upset because the pinata was coming apart and she didn't want her spongebob to be torn up!

"Wait there!" in this pic, we were trying to talk her into hitting the pinata! Not much luck there!

"I think I will take your favorite hat from you. Besides, It's my Party!!!" LOL

Maddie wasn't sure about the box coming to life and talking to her, so I had to hold her just to get a pic of her with him!
Kenzie and her pose with Spongebob.
Singing to Maddie, she did what lots of babies do and got really really shy! We all but had to coax her to come out of my shoulder just so she could see the wind blow out her candle!!!
Grillmaster "My Dewwock" is hard at work doing what men do! Maddie has dubbed Derrick "My Dewwock" and at one time she didn't really wanna have anything to do with him, now he is her best bud!
Ryan and Yaya havin fun at Maddie's 3rd birthday!!!


  1. WOW good job, I am impressed!
    Love Ya!

  2. Looks like the party was a ton of fun!!! Love the cake!!


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