a new iep, new school, new found happiness for mommy

I have been communicating with the Prinicpal at Kenzie's school a lot lately and got an e mail last night saying that I would be getting a call from the group meeting on her behalf sometime after 11 this morning. I got the call from Mrs. Bunnell the speech therapist wanting to go over the iep with me. I threw on my shoes and went to the school for a totally unexpected meeting. (I threw it upon them when they called (amazing what a little surprise will do) their eyes got buggy big when I actually showed up). I get there and we go over her new IEP. Here is what her new goals are:

she will correctly produce /k/, /g/ in all positions of words for 5 minutes of conversation with 90% accuracy for 3 sessions without correcting by the SLP (speech and language pathologist).

she will demonstrate her knowledge and use of vocabulary words/basic concepts by correctly identifying a word/concept presented by the slp with 90% accuracy or greater for 4 sessions

when given a two step direction, she will follow both steps without verbal/visual prompting with 90% accuracy for 4 sessions.

she will corectly produce /l/ in all positions of words for 5 minutes of conversation with 90% accuracy for 4 sessions without correcting by the slp.

she will correctly produce the /f/ and /v/ sounds in all positions of words for 5 minutes of conversation with 90% accuracy for 3 sessions without correcting by the slp.

when the slp/teacher presents a one-syllable word and asks mackenzie to tell her the sounds in the word mackenzie will produce each phoneme in the word without any modeling from the slp/teacher with 90% accuracy or better over a 9 week period.

by the end of the school year, mackenzie will gain a minimum of one year's reading growth as measured by school based assessments.

she will write at least three sentences using beginning and ending sounds to write words, and use capitalization and punctuation with 70% success rate on 3 occasions.

she will count, identify, and match numbers to 10 with a 70% success rate on 3 occasions.

she will initiate a classroom assignment independently on 8 out of 10 occasions.

she will receive 60 minutes a week of speech therapy, daily instruction in modified curriculum in all academic areas. she will also receive small group instruction, repeat, clarify, or summarize directions, additional time to complete assignments/assessments and special transportation services (school bus).

she will also spend 18% of her time at school with non disabled children. she was placed based on 40% or less of time with non ese.

all in all we are very happy with the new iep.

she is being moved to a school that is a 5 star school. she will be in a class of 10 students. she will do much better and the principal is open to communicating with me where the other school principal was limited in her openess to communication.

ryan isn't sure this is the right move because she will be leaving her friends, but i say she can make new friends. and this is going to be a great move for her!


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