
Showing posts from March, 2009

Anything for my daughter

And, so the planning for Maddie's birthday begins. I start the planning early so that I can be sure to have everything perfect for her big day. I was at the table with the almost three year old and like the idiot that I am asked her, "Maddie, what kind of birthday party do you want to have?" and she replies like the smart girl who knows what she wants, "Sponge Bob" and so here we are planning trips to the beach to find seashells and sand for the table. I am going to make a centerpiece for said table that is the "pineapple under the sea" and for food we are planning on serving krabby patties and kelp fries. (In real world terms hamburgers and french fries). Then at work today, while discussing a few things with a friend of mine, she said, "I would love to play Sponge Bob at the party" and so I am scheming how to make a Sponge Bob costume. My idea is to get a really big box and cut a hole in the top big enough for her head to fit thro...


is the one word description of my house right now. the girls are with roy and carol. ryan is working, and i have been chillaxing. i am about to do my home work for FPU so I won't be here long, just wanted to stop in and say hello to all my friends. and wish you all well. i had a wierd day at work so, i will likely go to bed early, but anyway, that is all that is new with us.

a little birthday celebration

Since today is my birthday and the 2nd is Carol's, I baked a cake yesterday and invited her over to have some. Here was my last minute creation. Cute I think. I don't know if I liked the premade icing though. It was tough to work with because it was so stiff. Anyway, Kenzie put 3 candles in it for me then we re did it for carol so we didn't end up with a ton of wax on the cake. Such a cutie pie I do think! This was what Kenzie wore to school for spring pics. That was yesterday. She was so excited to get all prettied up for school! Roy and Carol gave me a gift card to Kohl's and since my dishes were on sale there this week, I went today and used it so I could get more for my money. While I was there I signed up for the e mail coupon program they offer so I can get more savings in the future. I was able to get a turquoise 5 piece place setting (I have wanted this color for soooooo long) and another serving bowl. I bought 2 when they were buy one get one, but the...

Kenzie's turn

So, I decided to give Kenzie the same chance as Maddie and did a photo op with her and here are the results... This was the first pic I got of her. She was just getting into the tree. I had her looking towards Amanda's house so that I could get that looking into the future type picture. And now, look at Mommy and smile. I just love the way she looked over her shoulder at me! Here she is posing like a good lil girl. She wanted her hair done just like I did Maddie's in the previous pics as you can see, so I did what she asked me to do. I love this tree! Isn't she so cute hugging her tree? I think today she really learned that trees are good objects for climbing. She had been a little scared prior to today when playing in it. Another cute shot! I have been told that Kenzie looks more and more like me as she grows older. I can't believe that my MINI ME is already 6! Mom, there is Mady and Macy's house! And a beautiful shot from the photographer aka Mommy! Rela...

Photo Op!!!

Just before taking Maddie and Kenzie's scooter to the school this afternoon to wait for Kenzie, I decided that since Maddie was in such a happy mood, I would let her climb the tree and take advantage of a cute hair do, beautiful blue eyes, and wonderfully happy smile, not to mention that the weather was just georgeous! Sissy, where are you? I had told Maddie to look down the street for her sissy to see if she was comming home from school. I knew she wasn't because it wasn't time for school to be out and we walk to the school to pick her up, but I was taking full advantage of the time I had with my beauty! I call this one looking into the future. I love these poses where the subject is looking away from the photographer. It looks like she could be concentrating on something in the distance such as her future. Peek a boo!!! She decided to have some fun at this point and hide from me and then come out from behind the tree! Just precious. I can't come up with a better...


for roy and carol as she lost her job today... a happier post later. just keep our family and finances for all of the cox's in your prayers.

"Mommy can I go bowling?"

So, Ryan and the girls picked me up from work on Sunday. I had worked 16 hours on Saturday and Renee (I love this girl) asked me if there was any way I would work my Sunday off. I was able to say yes and she gave me today off in exchange for helping them out via 24 hours worked on my weekend off. I ended my week way in overtime, so that helps too! Anyway, we get home and Kenzie says, "Mommy can I go bowling?" so, although I was tired, we went. I hadn't been bowling in years, and forgot how much fun we used to have when we did it, so here is what we did on Sunday Above you can see Kenzie wearing her very first pair of rental shoes! Too Cool! And the cosmic crazy party carpet beneath her feet make it even funner! I'm just hangin' out! My new favorite pastime is watching daddy, mommy, and sissy bowling! It is so much fun! Rolling my first ball! Watch it! Watch it! Look at me. I'm a bowler! Lovin' it! Daddy, it's your turn! Here Kenzie, throw it lik...

For all the shopping women I know!!!

A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart . The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart. 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife. 'They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,' he replies. 'Put them back, we can't afford them,' demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping. A ...


as you all know, i have struggled with kenzie and school for all of her life. in preschool no one would have her speech evaluated and finally when they did she was almost 2 years developmentally delayed. now i am fighting with her not going to be able to handle the work load that comes with being a first grader, but the teacher told me earlier in the year that she feared that the principle would deny her request to hold her back due to the budget. now, i am facing trying to tutor her on my own, which is hard because i have no support from her school and have to find out everything about what kindergarteners are learning now a days on my own, not to mention they have spelling tests (the last three of which she has failed due to not being able to process things from brain to hand to spell it out correctly, but she recognises the words when she sees them in books) and the list goes on... grrr. to top things off the principle isn't giving me any help when i ask for direction as to ...

a day.....

today i printed letters and did envelopes.... went to roy's house.... shopped a round a little (didn't buy anything) then printed pics from kenzie's party for carol..... (a few for me, but most for her.) and that's about it.

A new night time routine

I have instilled a new night time routine basically consisting of a bedtime. which is something our kids never had, but needed. We are now having dinner at six thirty baths around seven and bed at eight in their beds. It was a struggle, because the kids weren't prepared for "super momma" but that is what they got. Only 3 times did I have to put Maddie back in bed and she realized this was the way it was going to be. Kenzie on the other hand was a bit harder and I ended up having to lay with her to get her calmed down. She was so upset that she was getting really winded.. I didn't want her falling ill because she wasn't prepared to have to go to bed in her room. She kept crying that she was scared to be alone. I don't know what is up, but I will keep working on her and I know it will get better. Maybe I will do the sit by her bed and just inch my way out of the room technique. I have heard that it does work but it takes a while. We will just have to...


is not my favorite thing... I am awaiting word via Maria that Megan, Chris and Lincoln are all doing great. Megan was going in to be induced today...

pics, video, and a funny

So, here is the funny. I figure you will like it so, I was putting away some of the size 4's that are now fitting Maddie (partly due to the diaper being bulky) when she found this bathing suit that used to be Riley or Shelby's and declares, "Mommy, Manda buy this at Mal Mart for Dewwick!" I said, "Are you sure about that Maddie?" and she replies with, "Yeah, and I wanna wear it" there fore the pic for Manda! LOL! what a funny kiddo I have! Here sis, I will take you for a spin! "Let's leave Momma behind before she can stop us!" "Ooooh you're gonna teach me to drive early" "Momma look at us!" "Can I have a kiss?" "Hugggggs" "You see sis, to drive you have to push the gas pedal, and that thing between your legs is the gear shift. If you push it this way you will go backwards." "Off we go" "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"