Kenzie's turn

So, I decided to give Kenzie the same chance as Maddie and did a photo op with her and here are the results...
This was the first pic I got of her. She was just getting into the tree. I had her looking towards Amanda's house so that I could get that looking into the future type picture. And now, look at Mommy and smile. I just love the way she looked over her shoulder at me!
Here she is posing like a good lil girl. She wanted her hair done just like I did Maddie's in the previous pics as you can see, so I did what she asked me to do. I love this tree! Isn't she so cute hugging her tree? I think today she really learned that trees are good objects for climbing. She had been a little scared prior to today when playing in it.
Another cute shot! I have been told that Kenzie looks more and more like me as she grows older. I can't believe that my MINI ME is already 6!Mom, there is Mady and Macy's house! And a beautiful shot from the photographer aka Mommy!Relaxing while mommy is on the phone. I guess she didn't think I could multitask!Snuggling with my tree....
Do you think they will think I fell asleep? Nah, not really you silly girl!
Pretty girl says it all!Mom, What's going on down the street?
Kenzie with her two friends Amanda and Sarah. Being a little model! Too funny!
Look Mom, I'm upside down!

As you can see, we had a great time taking pics, which isn't normal for my kids.. but there they are now comment and let me know what you think!


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