scrappin' diva

so i am getting ready to head out for a scrap with angelena, dawn ryan, brenda and melissa. i am loving this little group of ladies. i am sad that jessica can't be there with us, but i am sure that fun will be had by all of us. it will be an early evening for me though because ryan is keeping cici and izzy for angelena so she can go with us and angelena has to get chris from work at 11 not to mention that ryan is working a double tomorrow, so i am sure he will want me home at a decent hour. i could do the all nighter and be fine tomorrow, but he on the other hand couldn't.

so, i talked to brenda (a different one) about me going on into 1st grade for my thursday nights and she has agreed to start weaning me out of 4's. I love my kids in that class, but i have always felt led to be in the first grade room, so in march i will have 1 of my 3 weeks serving in 1st grade, 2 of them in april and then from may on i will be in the first grade class. i know that god will be doing great things through me in that class and can't wait to see what he has in store.

here are the lyrics to a song i absolutely love:

Lyrics Miley Cyrus lyrics - The Climb lyrics

i got that song in a text and was able to save it as a ring tone. i love it. it is so true that there will always be another mountain to climb. and what i like best is knowing that all we need is Jesus to help us climb our mountains.


  1. Just wanted to let you know that you have an award on my blog


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