trying to get back to blogging regularly

So, here I go. Blog number 2 so far this week. I am trying to get back to blogging as when I was blogging, I felt like I was a happier person. I haven't been blogging due to a number of reasons, but I am hoping that nothing will stop me now. As you might imagine, yes, I plan on putting pics on here soon, but I need to get them on a cd to do that. I also imagine that you wonder what all we have been up to.

Well, our van had broken down. Ryan got a ticket for not clicking it, but that has now been paid and the van is fixed awaiting us to pick it up from the shop. When it broke down, we were unsure of what was wrong with it, so we didn't pay for renewing the registration. We now need to get down there and do that so we can have our car back. I miss the "Ole Blue Goose" as Pop calls it. Speaking of my van, what does everyone have against mini vans? Mine is awesome and we even got a queen size sleeper sofa in it with the hatch closed the last time we moved. Minus the seats of course, but hey, isn't that what a van is for? No, I am not a soccer mom, but I would love to be. If only I could talk Kenzie into taking up the sport. She more enjoys plain old exercising that "Mr. Poll" has taught her.

Speaking of Kenzie and her pe teacher, she did awesome this past school year. She got the "Super Star Athlete" award like 3 times. Whoot! And because her teacher encouraged her to drink mostly water, guess who doesn't want juice, kool aid, soda, or anything other than water? Yep, you guessed it. She converted over to water! Way to go kiddo! She is also triming down. She is getting so tall! I'll have to measure her for you all because I know it has been a long time since all of our bloggy friends have seen her. Almost 2 years to be exact.

Maddie too has grown. She's 4 now and she is such a sweetie! She is my tom boy unlike her sister. She is the child who goes out to play with the neighbor's grandsons' and she comes in blacker than the boys! LOL! She loves playing in the dirt, but she loves playing with her barbies too. She gets dirty with the boys, then showers with Barbie!!! She is doing oh so well with potty training. She did have a little accident today (loose stoole style), but when she did, she tried to make it, and when she couldn't, we cleaned up what was on her legs so she wouldn't get more all over the house on the way up the stairs to the shower. Undressed her, and she showered herself for the first time! She is such a big girl! I never imagined she would ask for a shower instead of a bath. And then to actually get in and do it all her self, not to mention that she totally got really cleaned up really good! My baby is growing up so fast.

Ryan and I are doing well. Ryan works a lot of doubles right now, so that isn't fun, but we have to do what we have to do to make ends meet. His working doubles he makes more than if I were to work my shift and him work a single. Not to mention as you saw on facebook last week, he told me he wants me to be a stay at home mom for the girls. We are looking at finances before we decide on that.

We found a church here in New Port Richey about a year ago and have been going on a regular basis (up until the car broke down). We love our church. If you would like to see a video stream, it is live on Thursdays at 7pm and on Sundays. The website is Pastor Dave and the band are awesome! Pastor Strayor does a great job with the message. After starting to attend this church, we have all come closer to the Lord. We pray that this never changes and pursue a closer walk with Him every day. We have started teaching the girls to pray before bed and before meals, so when we are rushed, they remind us about praying and we love this in our girls. They love going to Promised land for Maddie, and UpStreet Kids for Kenzie. It is awesome that we found a church with an awesome program for the children. We pray that no matter what the Lord has in store for us on our path through life, that we are able to feel the same way about whatever church we are at whether on vacation and visiting or whatever the case may be.

Here in Tampa today, two police officers were killed in the line of duty. Please keep their families in your prayers. One left behind a 9 month pregnant wife who is having contractions tonight probably due to the stress of loosing her husband. She is pregnant with their first, and now only, child. His co worker leaves behind a wife with 4 young boys. This is a tragedy. TPD was able to locate the driver of the car that they pulled over during a routine traffic stop, but they are still searching for the suspect that did the shooting. Please pray for protection over the officers searching for this man as I fear he is armed and we all know he is dangerous. Also keep another family in prayer. The mom, whom I do not know, went into premature labor today. She was only 30 weeks along. She delivered and the baby was in the NICU. The baby girl did pass on and I know that she is on the right hand side of the throne, but this family needs prayer. I couldn't help but think of when Maddie was born early and we almost lost her. It was so scary for me, but to know that this mom did loose her baby, it tears my heart in two.

And lastly, I apologize for this being such a long post, but I just needed to get some things off of my chest! Please feel free to leave me comments. I love them!


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