Stylish Blog Award

Wow! I am honored to have recieved this award!!! Now here is how you play, when you have been tagged, you tag 8 other bloggers and don't forget to tell us 8 things about yourself.

About Me:
1. I am a wife to ryan and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.
2. I am a stay at home mom who just opened her own business.
3. I love playing Kingdoms of Camelot.
4. My favorite search engine to use is swagbucks
5. I want a Scotch Pink ATG gun!
6. I went to the mall with maddie today and was in shock! See the next post for why.
7. I love making cakes and baking just about anything for that matter.
8. My best friend is more than a best friend, SHE IS THE SISTER THAT GOD NEVER GAVE ME! LOVE YOU ANGELENA!

Now the 8 I am tagging:

1. Maria
2. Jill
3. Megan
4. Mandi
5. Sulayne
6. Angel
7. Karen
8. Debi

Can't wait to see all of your responses!


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