your thoughts

i need some feedback. i've seen that juicing is on the rise again... first, i want to know what you think of juicing. and where i might find some information on juicing to begin with. maybe a site that has some recipes i could try???

now for today:

the girls and ryan went to do laundry and i am redesigning some flyers. work work work. other than that, kenzie is being surprised with a sleep over she knows nothing about. her friend julia should be getting to where she is right now and telling her that she's staying the night. love having friends who actually beg to keep my kids! and what a joy it is to know that my kids are SO WELL BEHAVED that people ask me if they can have them over!!! it's great!

on to other things:

this morning i had a friend send me a message on facebook. she wanted to "book" me!!! i was very excited! not only did she book a fall sesssion, but a christmas one, and a spring one (working on that special right now too) so that's great that i am having some repeat customers who want to have their photos done time and time again!

October looks like this: Thirty-One party, Makeover with Christine and Tina, then Diana and kids as well as Christine's Fall session.

November so far is this:

Pickens Family Christmas Photos @ Beach
Christmas Special @ Starkey
Christmas Special @ Beach
Lacy Family Christmas Photos

And of course I have all the crazy holiday stuff to do... halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, and new years all coming up!

Not to mention that I am booking some back to school sessions still.

More to come when I have a minute :) back to work... the boss is about to smack me with a ruler LOL just kidding, but it is time to get back to work on those flyers and the spring specials..


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