what have the cox's done lately???
over the weekend, we decided to take the girls camping in honor of our 9th wedding anniversary. tons of fun. we got there about 6pm friday and got the tent set up dinner cooked (over the bon fire) and smores too:) just a nice relaxing evening under the stars.
saturday-- we woke up early, as is normal because the sun peeping in the tent just wakes us all up early, had yummy egg sandwiches via mommy using Big Kevin's tripod to cook over the fire once again, and went for a 3 mile hike (walk) to the day use playground. after we got back, the kids had hotdogs, and we walked from the tent loop to the cabin loop so the kids could pick out the cabin they wanted to have for christmas, then over to the playground on that side. back to tent loop and i laid down for about 10 minutes until pappy got there to see all of us. he brought us great news! but i'm not sharing just yet... then a little later our friends christine, rich and julia came to join us for the night. somehow we got 7 people on 2 air mattresses in our little tent!!! don't ask how me, ryan, kenzie and maddie all four fit on our little queen size air mattress!!! we had po' boys for dinner and smores again for dessert. we love us some smores when we are camping.
sunday morning, we packed up and headed over to do laundry. in the packing up process, one of our tent poles were broken, but that's ok, they are replacable. so we will just have to buy a set of the repair kit and fix it before we go back out in november. now that the weather is cooling down here, we can camp until summer!!!
we have concentrated on making our christmas lists this week, and the kids have added tons of game boy and ds and wii games they want not to mention computer and board games!! they are game crazy here lately!
ryan and i added a lot of camping stuff. this is something we enjoy so we are wanting to get everythign we might need for the trips taken care of this winter. that way it's all out of the way because come spring prices go UPPPP! and we don't like that LOL
this weekend kenzie and i are headed to jacksonville for the first time! we're having a girls weekend and i couldn't be happier about it. so tonight, we are getting all our chores done around the house so that tomorrow night we can pack our suitcase and be ready to go bright and early friday. ryan is working the bouncer company job again this weekend and maddie is hanging out with yaya.
oh, before i forget, i had maddie's parent/teacher teleconference yesterday, and this is what mrs. p said: "maddie can identify and give the sounds for the letters m, a, s, p. she cannot give a word that begins with those letters. she can identify all 6 sight words that were introduced. maddie gets intensive support from (the reading teacher) and myself for reading. she is making progress. maddie is always very excited to learn and she always participates. she is continuing to work on her hand writing. (speech teacher from here) maddie works hard in speech and is continuing to improve.
all in all a great conference!!! i look for maddie to give us great things in school!
kenzie is getting her report card a day early (tomorrow) so i'll update here tomorrow on her for my friends and family out of town. i am excited to see what she does for her first real report card with the abcd type grades on it... i am praying that she does well in math (it's her hardest subject) and we are working very hard with her on improving.
that's all for now
more to come when i have more for you :)
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