
Showing posts from July, 2012

a morning of business

this morning, i woke up with the mindset that i was gonna get things done... and because i am on team ELITE, i decided since a lot of the team is headed to national conference today (i can't afford to go this year) i wasn't going to let that keep me down. we on team elite like to do what we call hi five! so here's the jest of it. hi 5 is where we take an index card and write down the top 5 things we want to get done today. i have done that and so far today i have accomplished more than 5 things i really needed to do today. some of those include: making a new cover photo sporting my business for facebook! august special posted to my group on facebook update information on the auction. reminder for july special ending today reminder for catalog ending in 31 days!!! e mails address box updated and i am about to set up my kit. today is going to be a great day! so Rejoice in HIM!!! and the family update: 20 days til school starts! can i get an AMEN! the girls are gett...


Ok, so it's really early in the morning for me to be blogging. I usually wait until later in the day, but I figured hey, why not get this put on there while it's fresh in my mind!!! First, I have to ask, is AWESOMENESS even a word???? So, as some of my readers already know, my husband and I have been married for almost 10 years. Up until this year, we were hit or miss with church. We would have times where we would be at church every Tuesday night for my Women's group and his Mens group, every Thursday evening for mid week service and every Sunday for service. While we were being fed, I was also volunteering in the 4 year olds class. That can be a challenge in itself. And that's a whole nother post that I should do sometime. But this year, God laid it on my heart to start going to our Couples Class. This class has been amazing! It has taught us both many things, so I was excited to have a Sunday to sit in the class with my husband and not worry if the kids w...


good afternoon and how are you? i am much better today. not feeling nearly as bad as i was yesterday. while i don't have a car to go places due to the hubbs needing it for work nor do i have a phone due to not being able to afford it this month, i am doing well. God blesses us all the time! so to start this post out I give ALL glory to God! now, we all know that the economy has been very bad for a while. I only expect this to continue. with very few jobs out there and the housing market taking the hit it took, everything else has continued to rise in price. we can't let that get us down. at one time we were a 2 car family, home owning, house phone, internet, cable having cell phone carrying family. now we are a one car, internet only, one cell phone, renting family. it would appear that this is a bad spot, but I counter you on that. this is exactly where God wants us to be right now. while i took some time off of work, I am now a work at home mom. I am not in a ge...

busy time

as you all know, we are all having a busy summer. kenzie just finished her summer reading camp with school, and we will know officially what grade she will be in within the next 2 weeks. she took another standardized test, and the results will either push her on into 4th grade or keep her in 3rd grade. for those of you who don't know, in third grade, in the state of florida, all third graders have to take and pass the fcat in order to pass third grade. but they only have to pass the READING portion of the test. mackenzie, bless her heart, took the test, she scored at 175 on it. she needed a 182 to go on into the 4th grade. while this doesn't seem like a lot of a big deal, it is. because her grades were solid c's all year (and many parents would complain if their daughter brought home c's, i do not because i feel that anything over a d is a great effort), she did her best, but due to her feelign the need to rush through her work, she made some mistakes throughou...