a morning of business
this morning, i woke up with the mindset that i was gonna get things done... and because i am on team ELITE, i decided since a lot of the team is headed to national conference today (i can't afford to go this year) i wasn't going to let that keep me down. we on team elite like to do what we call hi five! so here's the jest of it. hi 5 is where we take an index card and write down the top 5 things we want to get done today. i have done that and so far today i have accomplished more than 5 things i really needed to do today. some of those include: making a new cover photo sporting my business for facebook! august special posted to my group on facebook update information on the auction. reminder for july special ending today reminder for catalog ending in 31 days!!! e mails address box updated and i am about to set up my kit. today is going to be a great day! so Rejoice in HIM!!! and the family update: 20 days til school starts! can i get an AMEN! the girls are gett...