a morning of business
this morning, i woke up with the mindset that i was gonna get things done... and because i am on team ELITE, i decided since a lot of the team is headed to national conference today (i can't afford to go this year) i wasn't going to let that keep me down. we on team elite like to do what we call hi five! so here's the jest of it.
hi 5 is where we take an index card and write down the top 5 things we want to get done today. i have done that and so far today i have accomplished more than 5 things i really needed to do today. some of those include:
making a new cover photo sporting my business for facebook!
august special posted to my group on facebook
update information on the auction.
reminder for july special ending today
reminder for catalog ending in 31 days!!!
e mails
address box updated
and i am about to set up my kit.
today is going to be a great day! so Rejoice in HIM!!!
and the family update: 20 days til school starts! can i get an AMEN! the girls are getting excited. we made a count down calender yesterday for them. they have their back packs packed for meet the teacher day so they can drop off the first of 2 loads of school supplies! crazy how much they still need.
here was the original list for each child:
Madison needed:
1- binder
4- 2 pocket 3 prong folders
2- plastic folders
8- gluesticks
2- boxes of 24 count crayons
2 packs of pencils
dry erase markers
1 pair scissors
2 wide rule journals
2 packs loose leaf paper
1 pack pink gum erasers
1 pair headphones
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 box tissues
1 box sandwich size ziploc bags
pencil box
Mackenzie Needed:
1- binder
8- folders
4 packs wide rule paper
1 pk 24 crayons
2 packs colored pencils
3 dozen #2 pencils
3 hole pencil pouch
2 packs hilighters
1 pack dry erase markers
2 box tissues
1 package baby wipes
1 roll paper towels
1 box ziploc bags
1 bottle sanitizer
3 composition notebooks
blue pens
black pens
And now we need between the two of them still:
2 folders
2 plastic folders
1 box crayons
dry erase markers
2 folders
3 packs wide rule paper
1 pack crayons
2 pack colored pencils
2 highlighters
paper towels
2 composition notebooks
blue pens
black pens.
so while the lists did get alot knocked off of them, every year these back to school lists seem to get larger! almost drives me nuts. Grandma took them supply shopping this year and spend quite a lot on the supplies. i thank God for my church helping families in our community that need the help because without the church there have been years where my kids wouldn't have their supplies at all!
I don't have much to buy for them, and I thank Grandma and God for that! I have their back to school clothes to get, but that's after we see what they have/need. We are in a mode of saving money now, so we are going to do what we can to preserve that savings account!
ryan is still applying everywhere. he worked all of last week, but so far this week he still hasn't been called in for a job. while i don't like this, i know god has our back and he has a perfect plan in place, we just don't know what it is just yet.
and we are starting to get things together for camping this weekend. we are going to the cabins at starkey park and can't wait for that nature time. while deb and i will escape for a girls (few hours) date to sweet tomatoes, we will come back and have loads of fun with kevin, kevin, ryan, mackenzie and madison.
*note the girls have decided they are no longer maddie and kenzie they are MADISON AND MACKENZIE. so i have been trying to get used to using their full names when they aren't in trouble LOL
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