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busy time

as you all know, we are all having a busy summer. kenzie just finished her summer reading camp with school, and we will know officially what grade she will be in within the next 2 weeks. she took another standardized test, and the results will either push her on into 4th grade or keep her in 3rd grade. for those of you who don't know, in third grade, in the state of florida, all third graders have to take and pass the fcat in order to pass third grade. but they only have to pass the READING portion of the test. mackenzie, bless her heart, took the test, she scored at 175 on it. she needed a 182 to go on into the 4th grade. while this doesn't seem like a lot of a big deal, it is. because her grades were solid c's all year (and many parents would complain if their daughter brought home c's, i do not because i feel that anything over a d is a great effort), she did her best, but due to her feelign the need to rush through her work, she made some mistakes throughout the year, therefore resulting in the c's. while if she were to take her time and really concentrate, she would have probably been a b student, i have to say that with everything we have been through with fighting to get her the help she needs, she's doing well. now, onto other things. ryan has been on again off again with work. it's driving us nuts and he is actively applying, but it's like he puts in applications, and then they call him back to work so he can't do the interviews, but that will change. saturday he is going to a jobfair. it's with the gulfside hospice here in new port richey. please pray for a good outcome. we love having him home when he's off, but we need him to have solid work. while we are scraping by, it's by the grace of god. we can and will make it through this time in our lives. god will provide. i have continued my journey with thrity-one. it's been a great journey, and i look forward to seeing what other things are yet to come with this business. see a post later this week about that one. maddie has enjoyed having the summer to be with me in the mornings, but she is LOVING having her sister home now! they are playing ICarly now! Maddie is Sam and Kenzie is Carly! too cute!

we just had a weekend with our friends deb and kevin. it was a great weekend. kenzie had kaitlyn over for a sleepover, and so, deb and i went to the movies in the early afternoon and kevin and ryan went that evening. we all saw the hunger games at the three dollar theater. it was great! i am so very glad that i read the book before i went to the theater. i find that by reading the book , although there is alot having to be left out of the movie, i find that i totally understand the movies better that way. i can't wait for the second one to come out!

then monday, the maintenance man was here to do some work on the bathroom, and well, it's not looking so hot. he's just making shortcuts and not correcting the initial problems... so we have complained to the landlord about him. this is the 2nd maintenance man who has been working on the same issues and we are having the same problems out of him. i can't wait until God blesses us with enough money to put down on a house. it will come and when it does, i can breathe a little easier. while i like renting because i don't have to do the maintenance, i don't have a say in many of the aspects that i would love to have a say in such as for example, how hard is it to just give me a darn dishwasher? i would make my life so much easier! anyway, it's looking more like we will have to vacate this property and go live in one of the land lord's other properties so they can get all of the work done on this house. this may be the best scenario for us because with all the rain we have had, the septic tank is flooded (no, we don't have poo in the yard YET) and the septic guys can't pump it until our back yard dries up. it's been flooded due to the rain for about 2 weeks now. and the rain doesn't seem to be letting up enough to dry it up. and that's just one of the major issues with this house.

well until next time


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