
Showing posts from June, 2013

Corndog Casserole

This is super easy and yummmmy!  In a skillet, sautee 2 cups of thinly sliced celery in 2 tbsp butter for 5 minutes.  Add 1.5 cups sliced green onions.  Saute 5 minutes.  Place in large bowl.  Set aside.  Cut 1 pound of hot dogs into bite size pieces, add to skillet.  Saute for 5 minutes or until lightly browned.  Add to vegetables.  Set aside 1 cup of the veggie mixture.  To the remaining mixture, add 2 eggs, 1.5 cups of milk, 1/4 tsp pepper, 2 tsp rubbed sage.  Stir well.  Add 2 boxes corn muffin mix and 1.5 cups shredded cheddar cheese.  Mix well.  Put into prepared casserole dish.  Top with remaining veggie mixture.  Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese on top.  Bake at 400 for 30-35 minutes. 

A week of menus

We all sat down and made out the dinner menus for the next month.  For this week we chose taco salad, corn dog casserole, chinese, pepperoni pull apart bread and crazy bread, grilled cheese with tomato soup, sloppy joes with french fries, and quesadillas with corn.  I also made cappucchino muffins, banana chip muffins, and cinnamon donut muffins!  Wow!  Ill be posting recipes and pics all week.  Since i dont have a pic, it was ate too fast, heres my rendition of taco salad:  Brown a pound of ground beef.  Drain.  Prepare according to taco dinner kit.  Toward the end of meat cooking, add 1 tbsp ranch dressing.  Bake shells while doing meat.  Put a bag of salad in a large bowl with a chopped onion, salsa according to how u like it, and 2 cups shredded cheddar (more can be added later if u need it)  crush shells on top.  Pour meat mixture over it all.  Toss and serve with refried beans.  Garnish with sour cream i...

What a week!

Last week was a busy week for us.  I am gonna recap it day by day to catch you up... Monday we had our first tutoring session for Maddie.  So we trekked to the library.  Thinking we would get books before, we got there at 915 only to learn they didnt open til 10, so we walked to the park, played, and came back just in time for the doors to open.  That was a crazy hot walk in blue jeans for this momma!  After tutoring we learned that we couldnt get books because we were at the only remaining CITY library in the area and it isnt connected to our county library so books would have to wait a day.  Tuesday we went to the state attorneys office to have a meeting and learned of more charges they are filing against the man who stole our vehicle in april.  Thats a huge mess and a whole other post will be coming after its all over.  Back to the library we went to get our library card and check out books.  Kenzie signed up for the summer reading progr...

Frustration is not how i wanted to start the day!

When working for a company, you would think they would be up front with you about your direct deposit.  Instead we never know if the money will be in the bank or not!  How can bills be paid or groceries be bought if there is no money in the bank when its supposed to be?  Really people get it right already!

Tropical storm

Yep, we had our first tropical storm for the year.  Her name was Andrea.  She brought much needed rain, gusts of wind and even a few tornadoes to the tampa bay area.  Thank god we fared well.  We took a day off of walking today due to the weather and will resume tomorrow after our errands.  Lots of fun things coming up, but im not gonna spill the beans just yet!  More to come as more develops.

School is OUT!!!

Today was bittersweet for me.  I am happy its summer break, but that means we only have 2 years before we have a MIDDLESCHOOLER!  I cant believe we are that close already!  Both girls had a great day.  I got soaked walking to get Madispn, then the rain slacked off enough for me to have buckets of sweat rolling into my eyes!  It has been so humid here that i sweat as soon as i go outside let alone walk the more than 1/2 mile to her school.  We are starting a new walking track tomorrow... not sure how far but its gonna be fun to see

Air conditioners have temper tantrums too...

Or at least mine did today!  I woke up to a flooded bathroom, an overflowing drip pan in the attic due ti the drip pipe being clogged with algae.  I just pray it really cools after all the work on it today! 

Rainy day Saturday

As the hurricane season starts, mother nature has decided to remind me to get my hurricane kits ready.  Yes, i said kits.  One for each of us, one for my bird.  In the mean time I am closer to deciding on the LPN program.  Its going to be tough, but I know I can and WILL do this.  It has taken longer than i wanted, but I needed to allow the Lord to work things out in HIS time.  More updates to come.