What a week!
Last week was a busy week for us. I am gonna recap it day by day to catch you up...
Monday we had our first tutoring session for Maddie. So we trekked to the library. Thinking we would get books before, we got there at 915 only to learn they didnt open til 10, so we walked to the park, played, and came back just in time for the doors to open. That was a crazy hot walk in blue jeans for this momma! After tutoring we learned that we couldnt get books because we were at the only remaining CITY library in the area and it isnt connected to our county library so books would have to wait a day.
Tuesday we went to the state attorneys office to have a meeting and learned of more charges they are filing against the man who stole our vehicle in april. Thats a huge mess and a whole other post will be coming after its all over. Back to the library we went to get our library card and check out books. Kenzie signed up for the summer reading program they have there. I started studying boundaries.
Wednesday, we took a much needed day to rest.
Thursday we prepped our walls for painting!
Friday we had our errand day and Maddies evaluation. We learned she has adhd and ocd. We are adapting to her needs now and the house is running smoother. While i was cooking, the girls were playing outside with the neighbors child who began bullying maddie, i drew a boundary line because this wasnt the first time only for that childs mother to get irate to the point that by the end of her rant she told my kids they were nothing but mental retards with a fat lazy mother. It took all i had to not get into a physical altercation, but in the end, i dont want to teach my kids that fighting is ok, so we came in and painted our frustrations away.
Saturday, i put the second coat on the paint and we hung out with one of the nicer neighbors who also has issues with yesterdays neighbor.
Sunday was a regular sunday for us minus church.
Monday we were back at the library for tutoring. Exchanged books and that was that.
Today Kenzie started Summer Reading Camp.
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