A week of menus
We all sat down and made out the dinner menus for the next month. For this week we chose taco salad, corn dog casserole, chinese, pepperoni pull apart bread and crazy bread, grilled cheese with tomato soup, sloppy joes with french fries, and quesadillas with corn.
I also made cappucchino muffins, banana chip muffins, and cinnamon donut muffins! Wow! Ill be posting recipes and pics all week.
Since i dont have a pic, it was ate too fast, heres my rendition of taco salad:
Brown a pound of ground beef. Drain. Prepare according to taco dinner kit. Toward the end of meat cooking, add 1 tbsp ranch dressing. Bake shells while doing meat. Put a bag of salad in a large bowl with a chopped onion, salsa according to how u like it, and 2 cups shredded cheddar (more can be added later if u need it) crush shells on top. Pour meat mixture over it all. Toss and serve with refried beans. Garnish with sour cream if desired! Mmmm the fam goes nuts for it!
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