Lots of Fun!

even though it's Super Bowl Sunday, here I sit blogging.  Lots of things go on in my life on a daily basis that I often forget to blog.  My apologies for that.  Here's a glimpse into all the crazy ness:

Kenzie started Chorus

Ryan has been snowed in tons up in P.A.

Scott got started at his new company.

Juanita and I have been scrapbooking TONS!

Maddie has been maddie, what can I say!

We were looking into a mobile home to purchase, but that fell through, so we are on to other options.  We are looking for something that is an owner finance, that will allow us to put a 2nd residence on the same property.  This way we are all set, the kids get a large yard, scott and juanita get their place, and we get ours.  We will see where God leads us.

Taxes got filed.  They were accepted, and processed in record time!  Wow!  And that's about it for now.  I'll try and post some fun pics here in a few days!


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