Associate's Degree Update

This is crazy!  I can't believe that I am almost 1/2 way done with my degree already!  I am in week 8 of 11 in the 3rd term!  One more term and I'll be at my 1/2 way point.  So far the classes I have taken have been:

Health Information Law and Ethics
Medical Terminology
A & P (had another name can't remember it right now)
Anatomy and Pharmacology
Computer Applications and Business Systems Concepts

Currently taking:
Career Development
Icd-10-cm Coding
Health Insurance & Billing

Crazy!  And I've gotten all A's except 1 class so far!  Made the Deans list last term with straight A's and a GPA of 3.73.  Working very hard to keep these grades up as high as possible.

So for thanksgiving, I'm praying I can get all caught up on my homework that is due tomorrow and then knock out all of next weeks work in the first 2 days of the week so that I can enjoy the holiday with my family.

Back to work for me just wanted to update my little group of followers.


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