We're all human...
Another week has come and gone. I'm already entering week 3 of this 11 week term at school and kicking myself. As I write this, I realize we are all human. We all make mistakes. I accept what I did or didn't do, however I also realize that when paying for an education, you expect certain things. The things I expect are:
- instructors who practice what they preach
- open communication from the school and all who they employ
- instructions that do not leave the student wondering what they are supposed to be doing.
Instead of my expectations, I have gotten:
- instructors who do not even bother with hosting a welcome to class session.
- instructors who do not believe in holding one one-hour session per week to provide an opportunity for the students to gather context into their assignments
- instructors who do not communicate regularly
- an increase in the feeling of not knowing what I am doing.
As a result, I misinterpreted the assignment for week 2 and didn't realize I needed to include a very important portion of the assignment. This means that I will have a failed grade for that assignment. This particular instructor has stated very clearly that she will NOT accept any do-overs no matter if the issue was at the fault of the student or the instructor. She does not communicate and when asked if she would host weekly live lectures so that our questions could be answered, she responded in no uncertain terms to tell us that she would NOT be offering ANY live sessions during the course of the entire term for BOTH of the classes she is my instructor for.
What this means for me is that I have to work even harder to try and learn information that I really could use support from my instruction team for. I am incredibly upset with myself for misunderstanding the requirements, however I will be bringing all of this to the attention of the college. I understand that each instructor may interact differently, however when the entire class is online and they know that students are going to have questions, to just block the ability to get those questions answered is just not acceptable.
On to bigger and better things. Everything in our personal lives is pretty normal, except for our car bahahaha! Ryan and I went into CityTRENDS the other day just to see what they had and wouldn't you know that by the time we came out, Sir-kicks-alot decided that he didn't want Ryan to be able to open his door. We are blessed to have a neighbor who is a mechanic so in a couple of weeks, the guys are going to take the door apart to fix it. He said that it's a quick fix because some pieces inside of the door have just dry rotted over the years and so it's time for a little maintenance.
This is just a first world problem, and so we are blessed that it's nothing more serious. Ryan and the girls are up in the mountains today while I'm here getting a headstart on some homework and housework for the week.
Yesterday, while grocery shopping, we stopped in the Christmas Shop at Walmart to price our next christmas tree. I am happy to reveal that this year, we will have the biggest tree we've ever had! We are going to be getting a 7.5 foot tree and the topper will be just as magical as ever! We've decided to go with Frosty's Magic Hat for the topper and traditional red, green, black, white ornaments. We may add just a touch of rustic, but really, it's just going to be a beautiful explosion of classic on our tree.
The girls had a ton of fun going through and looking at ornaments and trees. We then had a discussion about how they really never got interested in halloween and that I am perfectly fine with that. We talked about how we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior and that we bless others because we have been blessed.
Really, it's been a great week!
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