A week off

 Yes, I know, I took a week off. I had only just got back to blogging, but to say that my life has been crazy in the last week is an understatement: 

  • One of my neighbors was diagnosed with COVID just about a week ago, so we have been very much watching for our own symptoms and staying away from people as much as possible. She is on the mend and none of us have had symptoms
  • Fall allergy season is among us. We've seen a few of the sneezies, but other than that doing well. 
  • Work has picked up with me leading one of the largest enablement series we've ever had consisting of more than 40 sessions to schedule, facilitate, package, and communicate out to about 2 thousand employees. 
  • Because I am limiting my contact with the outside world until this Thursday, I have been doing all of my Elijah study at home during what would normally be my blogging time. 
  • Spirit week is about to start for the kiddo, so we are prepping for that. 
  • The Ford had the check engine light come on so we have an appointment for it to go have the thermostat replaced this week (thankful it was only the thermostat)
  • Tuning in to church via online is a bit harder because sometimes technology fails us, but I'm doing as well as I possibly can and can't wait to get back on campus. 
Even with all of that, I am still here and working my best to get back on track. One thing I didn't share is that I picked up my first ever quilt from the quilt shop and OMG it turned out beautiful! I can't believe that I took some strips of fabric and ended up with a beautiful keepsake to pass down to generations to come. After that, I was outside for a little bit yesterday and got overheated. My doctor in the spring said that when I have coughing fits to use my rescue inhaler. This was the first time in several months that I've had to do that, but I feel much better today after having used it. 

Let's see, what else - the bible study is really working through 1 Kings 17 where Elijah proclaims that there will be no water to the area for some years and the Lord hides him near Kerith for some time promising that Elijah would drink from the brook. God is saying he will provide. That is something we could all use as a reminder. The Lord provides all our needs. We only need to have faith in Him that he can and will follow through on his promises. 

Finally, Mack introduced me to a new a capella group called Home Free. We are truly enjoying listening to their music together. It's certainly a lot different than her Korean pop she loves so much. 

Until next time, we love you all! 


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