
Showing posts from 2008


So, the last few days have been sort of crazy. The kids are getting hyped up with christmas comming... Here are a few highlights. Jammie Day at school. This was friday. Kenzie wore her Monkey/Soccer Jammies to school. They watched Polar Express and had cocoa. She had so much fun! A day with Yaya and Pappy was Saturday because I had to work as did Ryan. They went to see santa. I have a pic, but I will have to scan it to the computer to put it on here. (too much work at the moment). Kenzie went right to him and apparently was so happy to meet him. Pappy sat Maddie on his other knee, (the picture people should have snapped the picture then but didn't) Maddie had the chance to look at Santa and FREAKED OUT! So, only Kenzie got a picture with him, but she said she told him she wants a scooter, books, and clothes and that Maddie wants books and clothes (MADDIE DOES NOT NEED CLOTHES!) I thought it was cute that Kenzie wanted to tell him what her sister who was freaking out wa...

For Caylee-- May you rest in peace sweet baby!

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say... but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay. I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above. Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love. Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight. Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night. That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through, God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you." It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone. As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on. I need you here badly; you're part of my plan. There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man. God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do. And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you. And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight. God and I are closest to the middle of the night. Whe...

"Yaya, do you see that pattern?"

I spoke with Carol last night and she was telling me that: while the girls were at her house (I was sleeping), they were making buckeyes (yummmmmy) and they would roll the peanut butter ball out and then sit them on a plate. About 4 rows back or so, kenzie delcares, "Yaya DO YOU SEE THAT PATTERN?" it was very cool that she recognized the pattern that the buckeys were making! She also was so very excited about the gingerbread house that she had made. kept asking "did i do a good job?" such a growing up lil one she is!

For Riley

Riley, At Thanksgiving, you told me that you guys had a hard time getting this to stay on your tree, so I pulled it out and tried my best to secure it. I have come to the conclusion that because I have an artificial tree, I was able to bend the branch around it to secure it better! A real tree would just pop back up or break if you did what I did to try and secure this thing, so you would literally have to tie it on with wire and hope that it didn't fall over, but without further ado, a picture for you! Love, Aunt Dawn

"I want my daddy" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

And you think this is going to be just another blog entry right? WRONG! Maddie locked herself in her room tonight on accident! For a few minutes she was screaming hysterically at the door that she was wanting her daddy! He was able to use a wire coat hanger to get to her within a couple of minutes, but man was it scary to know we couldn't get to her! Kenzie was crying that she wanted her sissy! And I was trying to calm them both down. Not fun! Oh: Congrats Josh and Beth on winning the trip to Cancun!

a 5 year old...

need i say more? we all know how 5 year olds can be. and mine is quite the same as the other five year olds. not two months ago, she wanted us to throw a beauty and the beast ball for her birthday... now today she wants to go out to eat with just pappy and yaya and daddy, mommy, and sissy and enjoy this cake: I have a friend on myspace who did this cake and gave me permission to use it... do ya think I can pull it off? we fell in love with this cake when we saw it!

colors say

Your Colors Say You Are Quirky When you are at peace, you are: Energized and innovative When you are moved to act, you are: Unorthodox and idealistic When you are inspired, you are: Spontaneous and adventurous When your life is perfectly balanced, you are: Light hearted and funny Your life's purpose is: To live a passionate life The Ultimate Color Test


Santa lives at the North Pole... Jesus is everywhere. Santa rides in a sleigh... Jesus rides on the wind and walks on the water. Santa comes but once a year... Jesus is an ever present help. Santa fills your stocking with goodies... Jesus supplies all your needs. Santa comes down your chimney uninvited... Jesus stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited. You have to wait to see Santa... Jesus is as close as the mention of his name. Santa lets you sit on his lap... Jesus lets you rest in his arms. Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?"... Jesus knew your name before we did. Not only does he know our name, He knows our addresses too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly... Jesus has a heart full of love. All Santa can offer is Ho Ho Ho... Jesus offers health, help and hope. Santa says, "You better...

relay the above is the link to my page on the relay website. it is where you go if you want to donate to the american cancer society under me for the relay for life!

ryan... overtime

forgot to add to the last one that ryan was approached at work tonight and accepted: OVERTIME! In this economy, overtime isn't something we see often, but when we do it is a good thing! He has to go in to work tomorrow morning at 10 to accompany someone to the doctors and doesn't get off of work until 11 tomorrow night which is a whopping 13 hour shift (translates into 5 hours overtime), but we will take whatever we can get at this time! happy holidays to all!

this bed is made for 2

as many of you know, maddie and kenzie finally got twin size beds in their room. as of the last few nights, we have been sleeping in there with them so that we could all benefit from the vaporizer and when i am all totally healed, I will head back into my bed, but for now, I have been sharing a twin size bed with a 2 year old. she is so sweet in her sleep. just snuggles up to me like a lil teddy bear! but anyway, that wasn't the reason for this post, Kenzie has always been our trouble child when it comes to bed time. she has always wanted to sleep with us. tonight she and i had a heart to heart and she understands that her bed is safe and that is where she needs to sleep, so with that said, "Mommy, I want a bath and bed" was what I heard. So I bathed them and they ran to their room. Each jumping into their own bed and laying down... Within a half hour, they were both sound asleep! PRAISE THE LORD! My house is quiet! I dunno what to do with a quiet house! It i...

night shift getting me

again.... i can't seem to sleep at night. i then in return have to try and catch up on sleep when ryan is home. i blame this on the fact that i work most nights of the week. i still have no voice, but i don't really feel bad except when i start coughing up moucus. which is a good thing. i need to get the gunk out from around my voice box so that my voice will come back. mucinex seems to be helping to thin it out so that it comes up easier, and yes i am drinking as much water as i can tolerate. other than that nothing much happening. kenzie is at school and i am about to go get her. maddie is maddie and ryan is at work.

still coughing.... hoarse... dry eyes.... etc

i am still coughing, although, not as bad as I was (I don't think), i am still hoarse. I actually sound like a frog from what i understand. Carol and the admissions advisor here at work both said that yesterday to me. my eyes are drying out due to the antibiotics they have me on and i am take another medication to clear up the moucus and that also drys you out. so all in all, i don't feel as good as i wish i was feeling. i try to do all i can, i just am still sick. i won't be going around and seeing anyone until this all passes. the girls are heading to orlando today with ryan and his parents, so that is that, maybe i can get some good sleep tonight. talk more later.

We are Santa's Elves, Watch us do disco!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards I found this on one of Maria's Cousins Blogs! Love it! Be sure to turn off my music and turn up your volume so you can hear the disco!

Even though Times are Tough

We all find a way to help out in some little way. I met a girl whom will remain nameless for privacy reasons, who has 3 children and NO money for Christmas. I told her that I couldn't buy presents for her kids because of the economy and not having much money myself, she said, "I don't expect anything from anyone and my children know the issues with money this year." So, I have gone through the girls' toys and am giving them to her girls for christmas. It isn't much, but it is so much more than what they would have had. I felt so sorry for her situation, so this blog is just meant to uplift those who are down on times right now. I can't do a lot, but I know those girls will be so very excited to get a few little things for christmas. I just wish there were more I could do.


Christmas History.. each year 30-35 million christmas trees are sold in the u.s. trees grow for about 15 years before they are sold. rockefeller center tradition was started in 1931 by construction workers. found that info and thought it was interesting... so wanted to share.....

Anonymous Comment in November

Anonymous said... I am reading your post by wandering through pages. I would like to help. I have been where you are & others reached out to my family. Christmas does not have to suspended, especially with for those 2 little ones that you have. What can I do? The above comment was left on my blog on November 4th. I didn't find it until tonight. Please if you are reading this post e mail me at so that I can thank you for caring! See, there are kind souls left in the world afterall!

Relay For Life

Dear Family and Friends, I’ve decided to take action and will stand and fight back against cancer by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life ® event right here in my community. Please support me in this important cause by making a secure, tax-deductible donation online using the link below. To donate online now, click here to visit my personal page . Relay For Life ® is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people worldwide to: CELEBRATE the lives of those who have battled cancer. The strength of survivors inspires others to continue to fight. REMEMBER loved ones lost to the disease. At Relay, people who have walked alongside people battling cancer can grieve and find healing. FIGHT BACK. We Relay because we have been touched by cancer and desperately want to put an end to the disease. Whatever you can give will help - it all adds up! I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress. Sincerely, DAWN CO...


maddie: 10pm, scratching crying, broke out in hives. Mommy: applied hydrocortizone cream 12 am: Maddie: took benadryl. 1am: Maddie threw up all over mommy! 110 am: Maddie rolls over and goes right to sleep not to bother mommy again tonight. I have no clue what it was but after she chucked, she was fine! Her hives were going away right after she got the cream and benadryl, so I am not sure what it was, but she is doing well today. Just thought you might want an update. I have been drinking a lot of hot tea and it seems to be workin on my throat. I have my voice a little more today! :) I can't wait to be able to talk again.

mommy owwww!

get out the benadryl and hydrocortizone cream! maddie broke out in the hives a little bit ago! it will be a long night at the cox house! (if she isn't feeling better by friday, she will be skipping shelby's party)

kenzie is

doing great. she keeps comming home with these check star papers! the check star papers mean that she got it perfect! a check plus means minor errors. so all in all she is doing great. she doesn't complain with her ear and takes her "yummy" medicine fine, it is the "yucky" medicine (that ya ya made me take) that she hates. the yucky is the cough medicine. maddie is fussy tonight, but other than that she is doing ok. she missed her nap today. ryan is doing very well. he was the lucky one and only ended up with a cold. we three girls though got it bad. i am resting my vocal box as much as i can, but sometimes you just have to talk you know. things are picking up at work so i think they will be putting me on to work on tuesdays 12am to 830 as a cna in addition to my work as a receptionist up front. that will be really good and then as soon as they approve over time for us, i will take advantage of that too. more later fussy baby

"I will do my homework later"

so the fighting has begun. she wants to play and not do her homework, but hey that is typical for children isn't it? she wanted to watch a recorded grays anatamy instead of doing her words of the week. they happen to be: at cat hat sat play three i do think that she is doing fairly well, although sometimes it is hard to read her writing and that is something that we will have to continue working on as is her speech. the kids can't wait for santa to come, but me myself, i could take it or leave it this year. i am still sick and don't feel the holiday spirit this year like i did last year. too bad... megan and maria seem to be doing well with their pregnancies. I pray for tibblet number 2 and lincoln daily. to all of my readers who are sick, i hope you get feeling better namely: ryan, kenzie, maddie, amanda, roy and myself!

I got this in my e mail from our friends Cathy and Maxx

A Different Christmas Poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve . My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood, his face weary and ...

right ear infection, left ear infection, bronchitis (i think)

we went to the doctor today. maddie is only 26 pounds still! kenzie is healthy except for her left ear is infected. maddie has a right ear infection. both girls are having some upper respritory infection going on. i wasn't given a diagnosis, but put on the medication that is typical for bronchitis. the doc wasn't very happy with my lung sounds being that i have asthma, so he gave me another inhaler and an antibiotic! Not such a happy house when we are sick. on a lighter note, AMANDA IS MY KIDS BEST FRIEND! she sent more clothes for the girls. they had a blast looking through some of them today. maddie especially loved the boots she foun d in the crate. hats off to aunt amanda once again! thanks a billion. hopefully we will be feeling better in a day or two. dawn


maddie was playing with ryan's computer and decided to restart it! only, it wouldn't boot back up for a couple of days, but all is well now. we are all still sick, but on a lighter note, ryan and maddie had an argument today! it was: ryan: my mommy maddie: My Mommy ryan: My Mommy Maddie: MY MOMMY! Ryan: My Mommy Maddie: MYYYYY MOMMMMMYYYYYY! and so you have it! Never argue with a 2 year old concerning who's Mommy I am! LOL! It was the funniest thing. I even got Kenzie and Maddie to argue it so I could create a voice note on my phone to send out to some friends! Too cute! Doctors visits for the girls tomorrow. will let you all know how that goes!

Night 2....

in the new twin size beds. All is good! Both of the girls were asleep within 1/2 hour. Quiet house is gooooood! I am about to go take a nice long hot shower and hopefully I will be feeling better in the morning. Just wanted to let everyone know how the transition to their room is going. :)

Kenzie is still singing this:

All the small things True care, truth brings Ill take one lift Your ride best trip Always, I know Youll be at my show Watching, waiting, commiserating Say it aint so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Na, na...... Late night, come home Work sucks, I know She left me roses by the stairs Surprises let me know she cares Say it aint so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Na, na...... Say it aint so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Keep your head still, Ill be your thrill The night will go on, my little windmill Say it aint so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Keep your head still, Ill be your thrill The night will go on, my little windmill

"Mom, my room is a hotel"

Roy and Mr. Carter went and got the girls their beds yesterday. We got them put together and they slept in their room last night. :) This morning, Kenzie delcared, "Look Mom, my room is a hotel!" Too funny. We are still sick. Hopefully things will be much better in a day or two.

pass me the vitamin c

i woke up this morning not feeling so well. cough cough cough. we took roys car back to him as we do on the sundays that i borrow the car for friday night/saturday. cough cough cough. and helped carol get some of the christmas stuff out. cough cough cough. went to target with her and found some ideas for our house. Yay! cough cough cough. then back to their house for some sausage gravy! yummmmmmmmmmy. then brought the girls home. maddie managed to throw up as soon as we got in the door. yucky! maybe that was why she didn't want to eat dinner. cough cough cough. and that is all i can muster tonight.

a challenge

I was reading a blog earlier and came away from the entry with a challenge. I will be working on this challenge over the next week or two. Here goes: What are your Christmas Traditions? Here is where I stand now: ummmmm I'm not sure. What do I mean, well, I have never really thought about our traditions. Yes, we put cookies and milk out, and santa comes, but I haven't really instilled any other traditions because sometimes we are home and sometimes we are not. Like this year, I have to work, so santa is comming, but the other gifts are waiting until the Sunday after christmas so that the girls get to have more when they open gifts with Grammy and Pappy (by the way, I have heard Kenzie converting a little, it sounds like "dammy" but it is getting there) Maddie does whatever, but anyway, last year we went to Derrick and Amanda's house, the year before, we did christmas at Mom's, but we haven't really ever developed traditions for our family, so I wil...

Thankful for

I know technically, I am late, but humor me would you: I am thankful for: *Each and every family member and friend I have. All of you have a special place in my heart and no matter how bad off we might be at that time, know that I will always love you! *Paula girl you kept me going tonight here at work! Thanks babe! *my job. There are so many people out there who aren't blessed to have a job. I however am not one of them. *the weather. I could be up in Indiana expecting snow, but I am not. I am in mild weather (and we think it is freezing)! LOL *i am most thankful for a forgiving God who loves me!

maddie is home

she got here just before bed on Tuesday night. Hopefully, I will be able to get amanda to blog the great times that they had together at some point in the future.

Help from Kenzie, Sarah, and Mandy

Yesterday, we put together the Rose Petal Cottage again. Let me give you some background on this event! When Ryan bought it for the girls, he was going to put it together, but hadn't gotten to it, so I did it. With the help of the cable guy who was there working on our internet connection in Indiana. It was quite a job let me tell you! I vowed that I would never take it apart! LOL! Then we moved. So I had no choice but to take this thing that cost almost $100.00 apart because there was no way I was giving it away! Fast Forward: We have been waiting to put it together, but I decided that since it was getting a little cooler and Riley and Shelby might like playing in it with the girls this week, that it was time to put it together again! (oh, and we don't have the instructions anymore) So, Kenzie and I bring in all of the metal pieces and plastic joints along with both of the cloth covers that make up the cottage. About that time I hear, "Kenzie where are you?...

The Shoppes at Wiregrass

We went to a new strip mall yesterday with Carol. What I got to see of it I loved. There was this big display of Christmas Trees, and Carol, Kenzie, and I got a picture taken in front of them. A lady was nice enough to offer to take a picture of all three of us so we could be in a picture together. (note to self, have Roy e mail it to me so it can be uploaded here). So before we went to the christmas trees, we kind of looked in a few shops. Here were my thought: Lane Bryant: "Oh my goodness that is a lot of red and black" (I have a lot of red and black already, but I will keep looking back because I saw a white suit there that I would love to have, but I don't want to pay full price for it.. Kind of expensive) Justice: "Now we can totally learn to love this store" (Kenzie fell in love immediately with this store. It (in the words of Amanda) is a lot like Limited Too, only a little less expensive. There were some really cute things in there) Carol wen...

sad but true

Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in most public schools anymore Because the word "God" is mentioned...... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer: Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks. They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,...

Pics and Decorating the Tree

I just loved those blue eyes, so I had to put them in here again! Look at me I am a cheerleader! Decorating the Christmas Tree! "Look Ma, I'm a decorator!" "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The WAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

"Freak of Nature"

Some might not like that. I got an e mail from my boss the other day at work after I had sent the girls an e mail saying that if they wanted to bring their christmas presents in to work, I would wrap them at night to keep me busy (not to mention, I LOVE TO WRAP PRESENTS). So when she e mails me back she says, "You are a freak of nature!" So, tonight I called to further discuss my hours since Ryan is working 3p to 11 pm, I had to switch my hours around a little and we got to talking about having a christmas ornament exchange and I mentioned that I am making an ornament for it. She repled with "Making? YOU ARE A FREAK OF NATURE YOU KNOW!" I love my boss! She is so cool! She is allowing me to basically come in when I can while staying extra to make up the hours that I had to give up due to Ryan's schedule. It is so cool to work with someone who is so flexible. She also added, "I know how hard it is to work night shift. I can't do it and if you are...

A new take on my marriage and parenting.

I have had a very trying year. To the exent that I had all but given up on my marriage and children. I was at an all time low, and although things are not where they need to be, I have taken these last few days to do a lot of soul searching. Many people are able to just talk things out and don't understand when I need time to myself to just think. Upon thinking, today in the garage I found a book called, Loving Thoughts by Helen Steiner Rice. I flipped through the pages and found a poem and as I read it I decided at that moment that I wanted a change for our family. Here is the poem I found. Each Day Brings a Chance to Do Better How often we wish for another chance to make a fresh beginning, A chance to blot out our mistakes and change failure into winning-- And it does not take a special time to make a brand-new start, It only takes the deep desire to try with all our heart To live a little better and to always be forgiving And to add a little ...

A trip with Aunt Amanda

Gotta get busy, Amanda will be here in like an hour to an hour and a half, but she is comming to get Maddie! She called and asked if she could come get her for a week and we agreed, pics to come i promise, but i will have to get my baby back before I put the pics on here! edit: might be nice if i told you where she was going... THE TWO YEAR OLD IS GOING TO ORLANDO! (actually longwood, but it is the same diff really)

Individual Educational Plan (aka IEP)

I went yesterday for Kenzie's IEP. Here were the results: It was for speech therapy. She is being seen for communication needs, curriculum and learning environment, and communication. They added curriculum and learning environment due to seeing that she is becomming self consience of her speech and we want to keep her confident in herself while not comprimising her self esteem in other areas as well. In addition to this, she is also in a group with her guidance councelor to help with the self confidence and esteem. Her goals are: to correctly produce /k/, /g/ in all positions of words for 5 minutes of conversation with >90% accuracy for 3 sessions without correction by the SLP (speech and language pathologist) When the slp presents age-appropriate vocabulary/basic concepts, she will demonstrate her knowledge and use of the vocabulary words/basic concepts by correctly identifying a word/concept presented by the slp. when given a 2 step direction, she will follow both steps w/o...

Every Year

I think back to "What Chritsmas Music Do I Want To Listen To This Year" and every year, my sister and I cry to the song "Christmas Shoes" so I started putting it on my christmas playlist here on the blog. So here is the background behind what that song means to us. First, to see the lyrics and hear the song, go to this site: http:// Now, some of you don't know the following: On Thanksgiving 18 years ago, our mother passed away. It took years for us to be able to celebrate thanksgiving. We were not ready. We wanted our Mom back and didn't understand why God had taken her and left children ages 9, 7, 5, and 4 to live without a Mom. It wasn't until after I moved to Florida the first time that I was able to start celebrating the things I was thankful for having and I can say now that I AM THANKFUL FOR GOD TAKING MOM OUT OF HER MISERABLE EXISTENCE CAUSED BY THE CANCER! The song just reminds me a lot of my little brother a...

feeling somewhat better

i feel a little better today! more details later.

Ferry Ride/Caladesi Island

So this is what happens when I throw sand! Oh my goodness! Shelby sure did love making this sand angel I bet! Riley and her sand castle. such a great job! Awww The wet girls! They could be getting into something. LOL! Proud Grammy (Yaya) Wonder if she is scared? Her first ride on the water! So, it's time to make a phone call! I'm not so happy about this!

Halloween Pictures

Riley and Shelby ready to go trick or treating. They were China Girls! Too Cute! Goofy, yet scary Yaya! LOL! Check your cubbards for dead cereal! He's the Cereal Killer! Silly lil Kenzie. she didn't want to wear her wig after we bought it, but here was her version of Hannah Montanna With short hair! And my beauts! A rockstar and a harley girl! They had a blast! Finally, the cake I made for halloween.

so nice

tonight while i was at work, i had ordered a dinner tray (payroll deduction) and while eating, ryan called. they didn't give me the message, but anyway, when i got back from eating, he called again to say he was bringing me dinner! such a nice gesture! so now, i am home alone! quiet house! loving it. ryan is at roy and carol's watching riley, shelby, kenzie and maddie (oh and maggie too), so i am just gonna go on to bed.

for amanda

my biggest fan love ya gal! i promise, i will try to be better on the blog... off to nap now... third shift kills the sleep schedule kenzie is at school maddie is with your kids on a ferry boat with grammy (aka yaya) ryan is around here somewhere stressing about his pending surgery... and i am just thinking about how much trouble i am in for not blogging like i should... i will get better.... i just have to figure out the schedule a little more... maybe i can do that while i am lifing weights at work tonight... yes, lifting weights... yes, i work out... yes at work... you see, while i am at work, i work out in the pt gym which is accross from my desk while awaiting the phone to ring... it is close enough that i can get at it if it ever rings... (very rare at 3 am) trying to get in shape to kick some "honey homicide" butt when you get in the roller derby kiddo! LOL... talk more later lottsa love to my devoted blog readers!


So, This is what Maddie is just absolutely crazy about! She is screaming as I blog about this character! It is a sesame street new character, and once she saw it, she just squealed with delight! So, I know what my task is now.... De Dorafy the house and bring in Abby Cadabby! If anyone knows where I can find some cool abby stuff, Please let me know!


This afternoon, Kenzie's speech therapist (Betty) called me and when I finally got enough charge on my cell phone to all her back (I am horrible about keeping it charged), she stated that she would like to set up an appointment (next wednesday) for me to come in and go over "Little Miss Mackenzie's" iep. this totally shocked me because I was told they probably wouldn't be able to change her I.E.P until next year! So, Kenzie will be bringing home a parent invitation that I have to send back with her to the school, and a parent's questionairre to ask if we have any concerns and what they are. there is the update and i wanted to put it on here before i totally forgot it!

how stupid have we become in the last 50 years?

HIGH SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2007 Scenario 1: Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack. 1957 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack. 2007 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers. Scenario 2: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school. 1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies. 2007 - Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged them with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it. Scenario 3: Jeffrey will not be still in class, he disrupts other students. 1957 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class...

goings on

so, we are 2 weeks from thanksgiving... what is goings ons in this house? kenzie is constantly asking how much longer for santa! she knows after halloween comes "turkey day" and then daddy's birthday, then shell bell's birthday and then christmas... she is counting it down this year! maddie is starting to finally figure out that when she is wet it isn't comfy, so off comes the patty potty pants! i am status quo just working and the other day, i got called in for a four hour field trip! it was insane. because i haven't been in the state of florida for five years, i had to be fingerprinted. (keep in mind we just got prints done for the board of nursing to renew our certificates), so eight of us headed out in the company van with one following in her vehicle with her children. we get to tampa and they don't have fingerprint cards (not to mention the attitude we got because we didn't have them) so charlie calls back to work and after a little while w...

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is an annual American holiday honoring military veterans . Both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is usually observed on November 11 . However, if it occurs on a Sunday then the following Monday is designated for holiday leave, and if it occurs Saturday then either Saturday or Friday may be so designated. [1] It is also celebrated as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on November 11 , the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I . (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice .) The holiday is commonly printed as Veteran's Day or Veterans' Day in calendars and advertisements. While these spellings are grammatically acceptable, the United States government has declared that the attributive (no apostrophe) rather than the possessive case is the official spelling. [2] His...

city walk

What Your City Walk Means You are thoughtful and contemplative. You enjoy spending time alone with your thoughts. You are generally confident and friendly with strangers. You are well mannered and sociable. Money is very important to you. You like to have lots of nice things... and you don't care if you're being greedy. You are curious about ideas. If you had the means, you'd like to explore the whole world. The City Walk Personality Test

what part of thanksgiving are you?

You Are The Stuffing You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together. People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why. What Part of Thanksgiving Are You?

what board game are you?

You Are Checkers You are very logical and rational. You are able to understand what is and isn't a factor. You're able to compartmentalize and focus on the essentials. You appreciate simplicity. You can see the layers of complexity and beauty in anything. You are also playful and good natured. You don't take life too seriously! What Board Game Are You?

ryan's laptop is

doing ok. kenzie accidentally spilled water on it. we called acer. they suggested that we disconnect and let it dry out then try again! i tried it this morning. (hasn't even been a week) and it is workin perfect! i will keep you posted if we have issues with it again. (for acer to fix it, it would have been $400).

just the norm

we have had just the norm going on here lately. maddie is batteling a cough, but other than that status quo. ryan is having an interview at mease dunedin on monday with the recruiter for mease. if he gets the job he can work at any one of several local hospitals. kenzie is doing well in school. and i am working night shift,so i sleep during the day.

any info

on my quest to be a safer house and to improve the environment, i am questing to gain as much info as possible about our normal household chemicals such as clorox, pinesol, colgate, etc. if anyone knows of any websites that will help me, please don't hesitate to include that info in an e mail or comment for me. i am using the stuff right out of wikipedia and the national safety council right about now. (i typically research these things when i can't sleep). i am finding it amazing the amount of poison used in our household chemicals that are supposed to be safe for our families, but are not! we are converting all of our chemicals to safe ones for our family and the environment. it is so crazy the amount of children who have died due to accidents with just normal things like cascade.. or burned because of bleach... how about the child who swallowed conditioner and died due to the ammonia used in it? just makes me so mad at these companies who are bringing in the dough han...