This afternoon, Kenzie's speech therapist (Betty) called me and when I finally got enough charge on my cell phone to all her back (I am horrible about keeping it charged), she stated that she would like to set up an appointment (next wednesday) for me to come in and go over "Little Miss Mackenzie's" iep. this totally shocked me because I was told they probably wouldn't be able to change her I.E.P until next year! So, Kenzie will be bringing home a parent invitation that I have to send back with her to the school, and a parent's questionairre to ask if we have any concerns and what they are. there is the update and i wanted to put it on here before i totally forgot it!
So,after not falling asleep until well after 2am this morning, I got up at 8, and got the kids ready, packed the van and we were off to Mom's for Maddie's party.... So, I made sure I didn't forget my camera. That was a major thing... so, we get there and the castle jump was already there. The girls went and got in it right away, I started taking pics. After just 5 pictures, a screen says, Memory Full. I had forgotten my memory card. And since I had to go to walmart for mom anyway, I got a disposable camera to do the party with. So, no pics til I get them developed and then I have to scan them to the desktop so I can then download them here... Long process but you will like the pics (i think). Anyway, I am off. TTYL! Dawn
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