
Showing posts from August, 2008

busy-ness around here

We have been extremely busy around here. A recap (as much as I can) of our week. Monday- Kenzie went to school. Ryan and Maddie and I went and got all of the utilities straightened out. We had trouble in Spring Hill with the Elec company, but it is all good now. Tuesday- Maddie and I went to meet some of my friends for lunch. We saw carol, and then we came home to get Kenzie from school. Wednesday- Kenzie at school. Ryan, Maddie and I headed to Clearwater. We saw some of our friends we used to work with. We then met Arnie at this new facility we were referred to. He gave us applications and that was that. Thursday- Ryan returned the applications and asked about interviews, and was told "You need not interview. Heather is your interview. Welcome aboard." So we will have to go and do the drug test thing, but we are set for when the place opens. I will be getting something soon though to pass the time. Although Arnie may put us to work in East Lake until the place in...

HR in HealthCare

So, I have started school again and I am taking HR in Health Care. I am excited to get this term going so I can get that much closer to graduation. We have been really busy around here. We can't wait to continue our second journey in Florida. Maddie is talking more and more. Kenzie is loving school. Her teacher loves her and is excited to work with her. I spoke with Mrs. Phipps yesterday ( I think) and they are re evaluating her so she may be able to pick up the developmental delay tag again. The state of Indiana drops this tag prior to going to Kindergarten, but the state of Florida doesn't. We are working on letter sounds and recognition. She has to learn how to read prior to going on to first grade. I will continue to update as I can. Take care, Dawn

checking things off of the to do list

so, I have been neglecting to blog... Sorry... happens with the move. after things are back to normal and I have settled in to this next term of school, then I will hopefully be back to blogging on a regular basis, in the mean time, my to do list is getting shorter... today we: went to the water company, got trash pick up all done, went to spring hill to the electric company (had to fight with them), went out to work, stopped by kohls for a few minutes to look around (wasting time before kenzie got off of school, came home, cooked dinner, did dishes, put together maddie's bed (waiting for wood glue to dry), hung more clothes in the closets, laundry, baths, and now the girls are in bed. I am trying to accomplish everything I possibly can before going back to work. tommorow, i hope to continue on the to do list. who knows how much will get done... oh yeah after dinner and dishes, i did some of the carpet shampooing... so that sums up our day....

first week of school in recap

So, we have made it through Kenzie's first week of Kindergarten. The only tears shed were Maddie crying for "INZI" I had sent her to preschool for the last 3 years so the seperation was quite a bit easier for me. Maddie on the other hand misses her sissy during the day. Monday-- first day of school. House was shockingly quiet. Maddie looked for her constantly. Tuesday-- hurricane day. No school thanks to tropical storm fay. bummer... we didn't have bad weather, but school got cancelled anyway. Wednesday-- back to school. Kenzie did great. Thursday-- Ryan walked her to school I picked her up to get her used to the idea of only having acess to one of us on the way to/from school. Friday-- she brought home her work from the week at school and showed us all about circle joe. circle joe will be another blog (if i get the time for it). We got to see my mom this week. ryan's parents have been around several days this week. we are meeting our neighbors and tha...

beginning a routine

So, now that we have been here for a few days and our stuff is starting to all find permenant homes, we are trying to get into a routine (some tweaking will come as time goes by). We have started waking up around 7 with Kenzie. We do a morning routine with her and then walk her to school. (It is only like a ten minute walk). After comming home, we have time to be with Maddie. I am going to be doing a play date thing with Maddie as I can. Then around 330, we head back to the school to pick Kenzie up and walk back home. We have homework time and then we do something for dinner (some times we eat here at home sometimes at roy and carol's). By 9pm the girls have been bathed and are asleep. It is so nice to have a quiet house. Tonight, ryan fell asleep before nine too. Today Mom came and visited with us. We had lunch with her and when we got back from picking Kenzie up from school, she went back to Plant City to visit with Jack a little more. She will be driving home tomorr...

Getting settled in, Kenzie goes to school, Fay nears Florida

There has been so much going on these last few days. Where do I begin? Well first, we are getting settled in pretty good. The rooms are comming together nicely. We are still getting things put away out of boxes though. *Maddie keeps locking herself in her closet* Kenzie started school this morning. We got to school about 1 hour before school started, and it was a good thing because we had to register her. She got to go to class right as the tardy bell rang! She was so excited. Roy took a few pictures of her before she went to school so I will have to get those from him so I can share with all of you. We are keeping an eye on Fay. She is heading towards us, but we don't know if she will make landfall right where we are or if we will get the outer bands. I will keep you updated as I can. Hope all is well with all of our blogging friends. Love, The Cox Family

we are here

just wanted to let all of our blogging buddies know we are here in florida and the truck is unpacked. kenzie starts school tomorrow. i will blog more as i get the time. love, ryan, dawn, kenzie, and maddie cox


Lucky on our way to Kevin's house. Ryan driving to Kevin's house. Maddie "tissing" Aunt Candy. Whoot! Look at the gal go! Our buddy Shawn. Me and Shawn. Lucky sleeping with tigger (he is on Kenzie) Kenzie on her way to "Uncle Punk's" house. Maddie. Alz I can say is AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! The one and only pic I have of Kev and Candy. OH MY GOODNESS A PIC OF THE COX FAMILY. TELL ME I AM NOT DREAMING! LOL. Ryan, Kenzie, Me, Maddie, and Lucky. Candy, Me and Kenzie Shawn's little girl Elizabeth loves Kenzie... POOR THING! Old Man with Lucky Anthony Kissing Aunt Candy Aunt Dawnie, Uncle Kev Kev, and lil Britt Bratt (not so lil anymore is she?) there are more, but i need to edit them. hope you enjoyed seeing them...

A visit with family

Today we all piled in my van and went to Kevin's house. We were able to see: Shawn, Lucy, Elizabeth, Betty, Elanore, Kevin, Candy, Nick, Anthony, Alvin, Joyce, Greg, Ivan, etc. You get the picture. It was pretty much a Good Bye hang out. And a lot of them hadn't gotten to see Lucky (aka Brittany) for several years, so it was nice to be able to see them. Ryan took Kenzie to the ortho today to find that the break was worse than we originally thought. She came home donning a blue cast. It is her favorite color afterall. I will have pics of that later too. Gotta go!

Update on Kenzie among other things

First and foremost, Kenzie is being a trooper. She is in a sling to help immobilize her arm so she doesn't do further damage to the elbow. She has an appointment at 8am to see the Ortho. She told me that Yaya said she should get a "HOT PINK" cast put on it. So funny! She is doing really well at resting her arm. She doesn't complain of pain at all. The ER gave her Tylenol with Codeine which knocked her out last night so she got some good sleep. I forgot to publish this so here it is.

Kenzie broke her elbow

Hey all, not so good news on the Cox front lines. Kenzie was playing at the neighbor's house last night, fell off of the trampoline. She was doing much better today not complaining of pain, but since she was protecting her arm, we opted for an x ray. It revealed a hairline fx in the elbow. She will go to the Ortho tomorrow for a cast. Other news: Not much of it... We pull out on Friday! The Coxes!

Britt Bratt has arrived

Ryan picked her up from the ariport earlier and so I will be back in blogger world when I can!

Designer Jeans by Mommy (and Kenzie)

So, I bought Kenzie some jeans while they were on sale a few weeks ago. She has only worn them a couple of times when she fell and tore a hole in the knee, so this is what we did to fix them... The butterfly in the above picture is where the hole was.... Kenzie simply wanted the flowers on the leg. I thought it was a cute addition. The butterflies on the bottom add consistency to the back of the pant. So, we love this! The flowers under the top pockets on the front carry the theme of flowers upward. On the other leg at the bottom Kenzie wanted another butterfly, so we put it there. The Jeans look really good considering they need to be washed and ironed, but they are so cute now! Love them. Kenzie was so proud of them and Maddie wanted some done, so I took a pair of her plain Jeans and did basically the same thing with them except I didn't have many flowers left, so she has the flowers under the pockets, one butterfly on the bottom and roses on the back pockets. I think I wil...


So, yesterday on my way to work a guy pulled up next to me with his window down and pointing at my front end of my van. against my better judgement, i rolled my window down and he yelled to me "You gotta really low tire baby!" So, about a minute later, I made my way to the side of the interstate. I was like 2 miles from work. It was 5:40 pm. I had to be there by 6 pm. and my driver side front tire was flatter than a doornail. I called Ryan who put the girls in his car and came to my rescue. When he got there it was about 6:10pm. I had already called work and told them I would be late. He called AAA. They didn't get there until after 7pm. They had the van tire switched out with the donut in no time. We proceded (very slowly) to the gas station down from work and checked the pressure and aired up any tires that may have been a little low (this needed to be done anyway). I finally made it to work about 8pm. Ryan is going to get me new tires today. I just thank...


Well it's not far down to paradise At least not for me And if the wind is right you can sail away And find tranquility Oh, the canvas can do miracles Just you wait and see Baby believe me It's not far to Never-Never Land No reason to pretend And if the wind is right you can find the joy Of innocence again Oh, the canvas can do miracles Just you wait and see Baby believe me Sailing takes me away To where I've always heard it could be Just a dream and a wind to carry me Soon I will be free Fantasy It gets the best of me When I'm sailing All the world in a reverie Every word is a symphony Won't you believe me? Sailing (takes me away) takes me away To where I've always heard it could be (where I wanna be) Just a dream and a wind to carry me Soon I will be free Soon I will be free Ahhh....It's not far back to sanity At least it's not for me And if he wind is right you can sail away And find serenity The canvas can do miracles Just you wait and see Baby, belie...

MICKEY IS LOST, LONELY, AND SCARED!!! Craigslist only let me put it in once, it's good for 35 or 45 days, please pass it along. This was a tourest spot he went missing in, if he was picked up by a family he could be anywhere! Pictures are on the sight. Thank you! Angel MY HALF SISTER IS PUTTING ON A SEARCH FOR THIS DOG. IF YOU SEE HIM, PLEASE MESSAGE THIS MYSPACE OR IF YOU HAVE HIM TAKE HIM TO A VET AND HAVE HIS CHIP SCANNED SO THAT HE CAN BE ON HIS WAY BACK HOME.

packing among other things

so we have continued packing up the office today. i am trying to get rid of un needed items as i go, so it is taking longer than i had wanted. but things are shaping up. after packing several boxes tonight, it was time for some much needed wind down time, which only made me more hyper. it is now two in the morning and i still can't fall asleep. i tried getting my butt whipped in bowling and golf. let's just say golf isn't my strength. then i tried sonic party games, that didn't help either. so now i am laying here trying to go to sleep, but it isn't working... grrr! i did manage to get some planning done though, and i think we are going to try and take the kids to a local water park ($8.00 each) so that they can have some fun on Saturday, but I am not sure on that one. Kenzie has been a trooper trying to help me out a lot with the packing. sometimes she tries to pack too much! Maddie has showed me that she is a two year old lately. she is getting more a...

Thanks Kaelins

Thanks to our blogging pals The Kaelins for showing me where I could get more cool layouts for our blog. I did loose everything just as she did when I switched it, but I am slowly putting everything back! Hope you all like it! I will likely have to change it again when I find the one I am really looking for!

A Blast From The Past

So, I have officially been visited by the "BLAST FROM THE PAST BUG" and if you wanna know what I mean, keep reading. Kenzie and I were looking for some new tunes for our blog, when first I put in NSYNC, then Backstreet Boys, and so on. I even ended up adding Purple Rain by Prince. It was totally on a whim. I couldn't believe that I added them all. If you wanna hear them, scroll down to the bottom of my blog and launch a stand alone player then pick out your favorites! Ryan came home thinking I was completely NUTS! And then I see the video on Megan's Blog! That had us both screaming at the same time "WHAT?!!!" Not what we expected to see for sure! Kenzie has been a fussy bug today. (Ryan adds: ALL DAY) Maddie has actually agreed that she is "MONKEY CHILD" She has been climbing all over everything. (See yesterday's pictures for the hippie) I am about to go get ready for work, so I will post more later! Love, Dawn

yaya are you ready?

as you know, kenzie is into high school musical. well, now she has taken it up another knotch... she has begun karaoke via wii game high school musical sing it. it is quite interesting to see her doing this game. you can even hear her voice projected out of the tv. she is getting pretty good. maddie has been good today. she didn't want to go nini though. ryan took andrew to the sports drome to watch some races tonight. kenzie and i had a wii party (just the two of us) and she tried to out sing Momma! LOL. i got quite a bit of the rest of our packing started today. now if kenzie will just go to bed i can continue that. i wanted to get more of it done today, but that didn't really happen because we had an action packed day. kenzie has also started planning not only her halloween costume (gabby from hsm) but also her "high school musical karaoke" birthday party (this isn't until febuary, but you should hear her talk about it). and that is what is going o...

dianne made a boo boo

go to this link for the info on sellersburg celebrates!

a few pics...

So, I have been neglecting to take pics, let alone sharing them, but today, I started the task of taking a few pictures of the girls again. And tonight I should have more to put on here because we are taking the girls to Sellersburg Celebrates. For you out of towner's, it is a little carnival down in Sellersburg and since we missed the 4 h fair, we thought we would take them to Sellersburg. I will be sure to take pics as I can. We are going with Dianne, Andrew, and Gabe. As you can see, Kenzie's second tooth on the bottom came out, and she cheesed up real good for me so I could show off her Christmas wish! LOL! At about 2 am, I snuck into Maddie's room and snapped a picture of her, then uploaded it to and turned it into a sketch! Pretty cool I do think! I call this one "My little HIPPIE getting ready to move" she went and gathered her baby, blankie, pillow, barney, webkinz lil dalmation, and sippy cup then proceded to climb into the big p...

so much fun

Kenzie here: i had so much fun. daddy and uncle maxx took me golfing today. i got to ride in the golf cart with them. they let me take the flags out of the holes and put them back when they were done. i hope i can go again soon. love, kenzie


You Are a Realist You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?