yaya are you ready?
as you know, kenzie is into high school musical. well, now she has taken it up another knotch... she has begun karaoke via wii game high school musical sing it. it is quite interesting to see her doing this game. you can even hear her voice projected out of the tv. she is getting pretty good. maddie has been good today. she didn't want to go nini though. ryan took andrew to the sports drome to watch some races tonight. kenzie and i had a wii party (just the two of us) and she tried to out sing Momma! LOL. i got quite a bit of the rest of our packing started today. now if kenzie will just go to bed i can continue that. i wanted to get more of it done today, but that didn't really happen because we had an action packed day. kenzie has also started planning not only her halloween costume (gabby from hsm) but also her "high school musical karaoke" birthday party (this isn't until febuary, but you should hear her talk about it). and that is what is going on right now. i will update you as i can.
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