beginning a routine
So, now that we have been here for a few days and our stuff is starting to all find permenant homes, we are trying to get into a routine (some tweaking will come as time goes by). We have started waking up around 7 with Kenzie. We do a morning routine with her and then walk her to school. (It is only like a ten minute walk). After comming home, we have time to be with Maddie. I am going to be doing a play date thing with Maddie as I can. Then around 330, we head back to the school to pick Kenzie up and walk back home. We have homework time and then we do something for dinner (some times we eat here at home sometimes at roy and carol's). By 9pm the girls have been bathed and are asleep. It is so nice to have a quiet house. Tonight, ryan fell asleep before nine too. Today Mom came and visited with us. We had lunch with her and when we got back from picking Kenzie up from school, she went back to Plant City to visit with Jack a little more. She will be driving home tomorrow. And that is our not so exciting life for now. Expect more as the weeks go on.
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