packing among other things
so we have continued packing up the office today. i am trying to get rid of un needed items as i go, so it is taking longer than i had wanted. but things are shaping up. after packing several boxes tonight, it was time for some much needed wind down time, which only made me more hyper. it is now two in the morning and i still can't fall asleep. i tried getting my butt whipped in bowling and golf. let's just say golf isn't my strength. then i tried sonic party games, that didn't help either. so now i am laying here trying to go to sleep, but it isn't working... grrr! i did manage to get some planning done though, and i think we are going to try and take the kids to a local water park ($8.00 each) so that they can have some fun on Saturday, but I am not sure on that one. Kenzie has been a trooper trying to help me out a lot with the packing. sometimes she tries to pack too much! Maddie has showed me that she is a two year old lately. she is getting more and more defiant. she will get over it in time i am sure. ryan has been trying to beat me in bowling and that is all i will say about that... maybe deke can give him some tips! LOL! anyway, i better go try to get some sleep since i have to be up at 6 to get andrew from his dad...
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