its been a busy week

thursday, kenzie went to school and had a great day. she came home with another super star athlete award! go kenzie! ginny picked us up and we went to church. pastor dave and cynda were back. we welcomed them warmly. praise and worship rocked like normal, only it wasn't normal because the spirit was flowing like you wouldn't believe. i love my church because we are on fire for the lord!

friday, ryan was off of work and i had some avon stuff to do yesterday afternoon. eventually i put the kids to bed and at 530 this am i got him up. he works doubles most weekends because he makes boo koo's on those shifts. it's nice! we get our van back around the 8th of June.

i am putting in orders on my website now, and the kids are doing their thing.

monday i have a volunteer thing at school (i won't make it) and a party with my district manager to go to (mel is picking me up for that one), then tuesday evening i have a recruit meeting to go to with Virginia. i probably won't update until wednesday here, so check in at facebook if you want to know how those go!

in the mean time have a wonderful week!


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