So, it's been a busy week!

On sunday we did our thing. Ryan was working another double. (Hey, he makes more on that double than we would for both of us to work single shifts.), so the girls and I just had a mommy daughter day.

Monday I had a teleconference with Ms. Zapp. She and the ESE counselor and I discussed Maddie's IEP. She will get speech 2 days a week starting in August. I also checked in on a pre k for Maddie. It is all coming together.

Tuesday we paid the deposit to get the van finished. We are picking it up on the 8th. Yay! Can't come soon enough for us. Maddie had a sleep over with Yaya!

Wednesday was a routine day. Nothing major going on there. When Yaya dropped Maddie off, she took Kenzie and I to Sonic for dinner and we got Ice Cream Cones from McDonalds.

Thursday nothing to note.

Friday Ryan worked another double.

Saturday I worked at the Flea Market in my friend Ginny's Avon Boutique. She needed me to handle it for her since she worked night shift and needed some sleep, so I did. I made several sales for Ginny and got an order also. I went scrapping at Jessica's house last night. I can't believe it's been 3 months since I scrapped, but when I went it wasn't the same. I really need to just set all of my stuff up at my house and scrap every day.

Wish you all a very happy memorial week! Be back here soon!


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