It's hard to believe... She's turning 8

Isn't she so beautiful! Yeah, I know, my head is getting bigger! My perfect angel! In 1 week from today, my lil girl turns 8! It is so hard to believe. I thought I would start this blog out with some pics of her since I haven't shared in a while. These pics are all significant to me. Like for example, this first pic you see above, she is wearing the hat that Yaya got her for christmas. To many of you this may seem regular, but to me it isn't. See, that hat was made by hand, by a very special woman and then given to my mother in law to give to her angels. I had a hard time getting Kenzie (and Maddie) to pose in their hats! See, my girls DESPISE wearing hats. Therefore I had to share this picture with you.

And in the next few pics, you will notice, we are on our back patio and Kenzie is being the cute little model we all know she is! Many of you will ask why these are so significant. Well, I decided to take it in my own hands to do the girls' yearly pics. I have never gotten Maddie into a studio and I have found that by learning the basics of digital photography, I can too take beautiful pics of my children. There is one more significant thing about these pics, the top she is modeling for me, I made. It is the top she will wear on her birthday party day. fun times are coming!

This pose just screams her personality! Love it! She is so photogenic and shows it in this picture! Such fun times we have in our little apartment. We may not have much but we have FUN and that is what life is all about! See, Kenzie shows the amount of fun she has through the camera!

In this pic, I did do quite a bit of editing to, but the pose said it all! She blew me a kiss and held it as the camera caught the pose! I was sooo happy to get this shot. Then I thought of one of my role models. Cynda is a very special woman to all of us! She is the pianist at church. Not too long ago, Kenzie went to a "concert" if you will. We had a night of music called, "This is love" they even made a cd. The lights flashing on the band gave me inspiration for this photo! As if she is blowing a kiss from on stage! I chose green and purple for the lights because I wanted to pull tinkerbell from her top.

And finally, we come to my favorite photo. This one will be made into the largest possible print I can make from it. I love how serious she looks here. And then the aging of the photo on my editing software did amazing tricks.

Now Kenzie is growing so much. She's not a baby anymore that is for sure, but she will always be MY baby. She is getting more and more independent. She's in 2nd grade now. She loves playing wii with Maddie. (More like teaching her sister how to play). She has a bird named Skye now. He used to be Riley's but Kenzie loves him like you wouldn't believe and asks me everyday, "Mom did Skye fly today?" today I was finally able to tell her "YES" I had his cage open again like every day and as I was doing other things, I felt a whoosh go by my hair. It was Skye spreading his wings. He had a grand ole time! He loves the top of our cabinets in the kitchen. And when he was done, he flew back to his cage for a few minutes, then manuvered his way back into the cage. Such a good pet!

So in about 1.5 weeks we will be having a birthday party. So next week I will be very busy with getting all of the final preparations going. We have tons to do on Friday night and Saturday morning before the Jumper arrives. I can't wait for the kids to have a blast. I will be sure to have the camera charged and upload pics as soon as they are edited from the party.

So far we have 13 kids coming. Kenzie will be excited because her best friend from kindergarten is joining us for the grand occasion. From what I hear, Zoey's grandpa is giving me and the girls a lift to Zoey's birthday party on this saturday as well. Kenzie and Zoey will be sooo excited!!! Can't wait for that one either.

And now that you are updated, time for me to go. I'll try to post more pics tomorrow as I am editing tons from this past year for the blog.


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