time to plan a party

while we have been away, we have been busy! we are planning kenzie's 8th birthday... how can it be? it seems as just yesterday she was born. and now we have to plan an 8th birthday party. so far the details are this:

she wants:
a tinkerbell jumper (reserved)
party at yaya and pappy's (check)
tinkerbell party supplies
tinkerbell topsy turvy cake
pinata (check)
invitations (reets has done them and they are on the way now)

i am making as many of the tinkerbell decorations as i can. so one of the tings i am doing is that i am making a banner for her party. it will probably say happy 8th birthday Kenziebell (taken from Tinkerbell)

and i am making the cake. fun times!!!!

on to other things: i have a cake this month. it's a 1st birthday topsy turvy cake. will be loads of fun. i just have to hope it comes together the way i want it to.

ryan has been working like a crazy man.... maddie is just a growing and is starting to look forward to starting school next fall. she keeps asking if it is time to go to school yet. and i have been busy trying to get things organized in my scrappy area so that i can start really taking off and selling more stuff for my business.

speaking of which, if you want to see that blog, go here. It is my business blog. I have started uploading some of the projects I have been putting together on there and will continue doing this if I can find extra time. I do have to finish a few projects and then send out. I am currently trying to get a mailing schedule down. Once this is done, i will be able to get a faster turnover rate going.

I will also be posting soon Kenzie's 8 year pics. I am taking her out for a mommy and me day closer to her birthday and we are going to enjoy some time together and I will work in a photo shoot into it. I am hoping to take her somewhere that has some really nice backgrounds. If I could sneak busch gardens for this I would! Keep your eyes peeled for this one as she doesn't know what we are doing yet.

Well that is all I have for you for now... time to run!

See ya round the mulberry bush!!!



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