More on Madison
After the parent teacher conference today, I have a much better understanding of this whole PMP thing with Madison. Here's more on it.... and more on why I now know more about it... Rewind to when Kenzie was 4.... We were in Indiana and the school system there did a wonderful job of getting the evaluation done before kindergarten, so I didn't have to understand all of the way this would work... When we got to Florida when she started kindergarten, we already had an IEP in place. So we only had minor changes to that... Fast Forward to Present... Madison is in 1st grade and has to go through some testing that they do with all 1st graders (Kindergarten too)... It's called FAIR. This is in order to help with her reading and math. So, here's what the results are: As it stands now, Madison is predicted (by FAIR) to have a moderate probability of scoring at or above grade level on the end of year comp task. She is below grade level in Reading Comprehension, however,...