Love is Patient
So, I'm doing this dare. I decided to do it just to see if I could get through it. While it's been a trying year with Ryan being gone so much, I decided I would do the 40 day love dare. This is an activity that will strengthen all marriages, so I wanted to do this for a while now. I finally got around to starting it.
So with that said, every day there's a bible verse that goes with the dare. Yesterday was the first day and here's the verse for it:
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Epehesians 4:2
And the dare for the day was to say nothing negative to my spouse for the day.
Then I had a list of 3 things to do and they were to pray for my spouse and myself, perform the dare, and write my thoughts or feelings, so I decided that I would do some blog entries as a journal to keep my thoughts on. It is my hope that through my journey it will inspire someone else to also take this journey and work on their marriage.
Journal Entry: Today was a tough one for me. Why? Ryan wasn't home with us so it should have been easy for me to not say anything negative to him right? Well, when I got the phone call from him saying he was going to the er because he was injured at work, my flesh wanted to give him some negative comments, but I refrained from that. After that one time, I thought about it for a minute, and really resolved to not say anything negative to him. While sometimes it might be hard, I can get through this because "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
And I have a video for you today too:
Are you wondering why I am sharing this video? Well, I have decided not to fight my love anylonger! Yes, there will be struggles, and I have to say that God will bring me through those times. God never promised that there wouldn't be raging waters, but he did promise to help us weather the storm. Therefore, I leave you with this thought today: LOVE IS NOT A FIGHT, BUT IT'S SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Are you ready to fight for your love? I know I am!
See ya tomorrow for Love is Kind!
So with that said, every day there's a bible verse that goes with the dare. Yesterday was the first day and here's the verse for it:
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Epehesians 4:2
And the dare for the day was to say nothing negative to my spouse for the day.
Then I had a list of 3 things to do and they were to pray for my spouse and myself, perform the dare, and write my thoughts or feelings, so I decided that I would do some blog entries as a journal to keep my thoughts on. It is my hope that through my journey it will inspire someone else to also take this journey and work on their marriage.
Journal Entry: Today was a tough one for me. Why? Ryan wasn't home with us so it should have been easy for me to not say anything negative to him right? Well, when I got the phone call from him saying he was going to the er because he was injured at work, my flesh wanted to give him some negative comments, but I refrained from that. After that one time, I thought about it for a minute, and really resolved to not say anything negative to him. While sometimes it might be hard, I can get through this because "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
And I have a video for you today too:
Are you wondering why I am sharing this video? Well, I have decided not to fight my love anylonger! Yes, there will be struggles, and I have to say that God will bring me through those times. God never promised that there wouldn't be raging waters, but he did promise to help us weather the storm. Therefore, I leave you with this thought today: LOVE IS NOT A FIGHT, BUT IT'S SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Are you ready to fight for your love? I know I am!
See ya tomorrow for Love is Kind!
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