Madison-- School Update

I have been busy at work today working on getting a few things set up.  Here's what I have learned so far:

Madison has a Progress Monitoring Plan in Reading, Writing, and Math to help monitor her so that should the teacher think she needs more help in one area or another, they can easily address that!  Woo Hoo!  Love that her teacher is proactive like that! 

She is getting Speech Therapy 2 times a week with Mrs. Mix.  I just got off of the phone with her and she has told me that she definately sees the improvements with her speech!  We are working with /sh/ and /ch/ now.  So, starting next week, we will have speech homework to do in addition to our spelling and math that we already have. 

I have a conference with her homeroom teacher tomorrow.  We are going to be going over this PMP as well as any questions that might arise while we are there.  I'll be bringing a few things to her attention and then going from there. 

So, the PMP, and the way it works is this:  in Kindergarten, when they noticed that Maddie was behind in the three areas, they put into place this plan.  It was late in the year when they did it, so what will happen is that they give extra interventions to her and if they don't seem to be helping, then they would pursue putting her in the program Mackenzie is in.  It's a Self Contained Academic Classroom.  This would mean that she would change schools and ride the same bus as her sister.  (This is something that I have been wanting to happen for a while now!) 

So when I am at the meeting tomorrow, I will find out more information.  And to top it off, I will get her Progress Report tomorrow too!  I can't wait to see how she's doing so far this year.


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