More on Madison
After the parent teacher conference today, I have a much better understanding of this whole PMP thing with Madison. Here's more on it.... and more on why I now know more about it...
Rewind to when Kenzie was 4.... We were in Indiana and the school system there did a wonderful job of getting the evaluation done before kindergarten, so I didn't have to understand all of the way this would work... When we got to Florida when she started kindergarten, we already had an IEP in place. So we only had minor changes to that...
Fast Forward to Present... Madison is in 1st grade and has to go through some testing that they do with all 1st graders (Kindergarten too)... It's called FAIR. This is in order to help with her reading and math. So, here's what the results are:
As it stands now, Madison is predicted (by FAIR) to have a moderate probability of scoring at or above grade level on the end of year comp task.
She is below grade level in Reading Comprehension, however, let me stress, she is a lot farther ahead than Mackenzie was. At this stage in the game, Mackenzie wasn't even reading at the rebus level, but Madison is, so that's a plus! Woo Hoo there!
Her vocab also is below grade level, however we have some really good interventions in place for helping her improve here.
Madison did meet expectations with her letter sound knowledge with all 26 letters in capitol and lower case letters! that's a good thing!
She's struggling with Phoneme Blending, but this is one area that Mackenzie also struggled in and both of them get speech therapy to help with this.
So with that said, it could be a lot worse. I feel very confident that her teacher and I can really work with the reading intervention team as well as speech therapy to really assist madison in reaching goals set for her.
What do we do now? Well, we have a pmp in place to monitor her progress, if by mid year when they give her the fair testing again, she isn't showing signs of improvement, we will be getting some more evaluations in place, if it's found that she needs a full IEP in place, we will gather the team and work on that. We are confident in the school's ability to assist her so we will be really watching out for this lil monkey!
now some activities that can help all children in different areas are here for everyone. I've learned that with my kids, these are great ideas and if it will help anyone, I want to do that!
Use index cards to create 2 sets of A-Z. Play go fish or memory with them. Have your child say the name and sound of the letters when he/she makes a match.
Use paper and crayons/markers and have your child make their own alphabet books. Make collages on each page. Use one letter per page.
After reading a book, play I Spy with letter names or sounds. You say, I spy____ and have your child point to the letter that makes that sound.
Cut out letters from magazines, newspaper, or junk mail printed in different fonts. have your child sort the letters to give practice recognizing the key features of a letter.
use paper or plastic cups and label each cup with one letter of the alhpabet. cut out pictures from magazines or use objects from around the house to play a matching game. have your child sort the objects into the cups based on the first letter sound that occurs in the name of the object.
take turns thinking of two words that begin with the same sound.
play the say it quickly game. you say a word, one sound at a time, then have your child say the word at normal rate. for example, you say /k/ /a/ /t/ and have your child say cat at normal speed.
play rhyming games. say a two word rhyme and ask your child to say a word that rhymes with your words. take turns. for example, say cat sat and the child could say rat or bat or that
play say it slowly, its the exact opposite of say it quickly.
take turns thinking of two words that end with the same sound.
paly the change that word game. think of a one syllable word and have your child think of another word that is different by one sound take turns with each word. example: sat and sit, sip and lip
encourage reading fluency by having your child read and re read familiar books.
schedule 15 minutes of special reading time every day to read with your children.
when your child brings home papers from school, let them explain what they did and have them read it to you.
select a book that you know they will be able to read with success and spend some time reading with her. take turns reading.
encourage your child to read along while listening to a tape recording of a story. ( has a great part of the site where the books are read to the kids and they can read along)
go to the library each week and read a book together. talk about the book and ask your son/daughter questions that relate to the story.
play fact or opinion with your child. you say a sentence and then ask if it's fact or opinion.
fold a piece of paper into 3 parts, let your child draw a picture of something she did in sequence then help them write one sentence under each picutre explaining what he/she did first, middle and last.
pick out a new vocab word from one of the books you are reading with your child. talk about what it means. make a sentence with the new word. and use it in everyday life that week.
when you are riding aroudn the neighborhood, take turns spotting items that fit within a specified category of transportation
use a photo from an album and have your child retell what happened the day the photo was taken. encourage the use of vocab from the setting of the picture. use words such as first, next, last etc.
make hand puppets out of old socks to practice retelling stories read in school or at home. the puppets can take on the role of characters from the story. use the voices and vocabularies of the characters.
have your child pick out a word from reading. help make a word map with that word using examples, non examples, synonyms, and antonyms. for example, the selected word could be mapped with sunsets, cockroaches (non example), gorgeous (synonym), and ugly (antonym).
encourage conversation.
Rewind to when Kenzie was 4.... We were in Indiana and the school system there did a wonderful job of getting the evaluation done before kindergarten, so I didn't have to understand all of the way this would work... When we got to Florida when she started kindergarten, we already had an IEP in place. So we only had minor changes to that...
Fast Forward to Present... Madison is in 1st grade and has to go through some testing that they do with all 1st graders (Kindergarten too)... It's called FAIR. This is in order to help with her reading and math. So, here's what the results are:
As it stands now, Madison is predicted (by FAIR) to have a moderate probability of scoring at or above grade level on the end of year comp task.
She is below grade level in Reading Comprehension, however, let me stress, she is a lot farther ahead than Mackenzie was. At this stage in the game, Mackenzie wasn't even reading at the rebus level, but Madison is, so that's a plus! Woo Hoo there!
Her vocab also is below grade level, however we have some really good interventions in place for helping her improve here.
Madison did meet expectations with her letter sound knowledge with all 26 letters in capitol and lower case letters! that's a good thing!
She's struggling with Phoneme Blending, but this is one area that Mackenzie also struggled in and both of them get speech therapy to help with this.
So with that said, it could be a lot worse. I feel very confident that her teacher and I can really work with the reading intervention team as well as speech therapy to really assist madison in reaching goals set for her.
What do we do now? Well, we have a pmp in place to monitor her progress, if by mid year when they give her the fair testing again, she isn't showing signs of improvement, we will be getting some more evaluations in place, if it's found that she needs a full IEP in place, we will gather the team and work on that. We are confident in the school's ability to assist her so we will be really watching out for this lil monkey!
now some activities that can help all children in different areas are here for everyone. I've learned that with my kids, these are great ideas and if it will help anyone, I want to do that!
Use index cards to create 2 sets of A-Z. Play go fish or memory with them. Have your child say the name and sound of the letters when he/she makes a match.
Use paper and crayons/markers and have your child make their own alphabet books. Make collages on each page. Use one letter per page.
After reading a book, play I Spy with letter names or sounds. You say, I spy____ and have your child point to the letter that makes that sound.
Cut out letters from magazines, newspaper, or junk mail printed in different fonts. have your child sort the letters to give practice recognizing the key features of a letter.
use paper or plastic cups and label each cup with one letter of the alhpabet. cut out pictures from magazines or use objects from around the house to play a matching game. have your child sort the objects into the cups based on the first letter sound that occurs in the name of the object.
take turns thinking of two words that begin with the same sound.
play the say it quickly game. you say a word, one sound at a time, then have your child say the word at normal rate. for example, you say /k/ /a/ /t/ and have your child say cat at normal speed.
play rhyming games. say a two word rhyme and ask your child to say a word that rhymes with your words. take turns. for example, say cat sat and the child could say rat or bat or that
play say it slowly, its the exact opposite of say it quickly.
take turns thinking of two words that end with the same sound.
paly the change that word game. think of a one syllable word and have your child think of another word that is different by one sound take turns with each word. example: sat and sit, sip and lip
encourage reading fluency by having your child read and re read familiar books.
schedule 15 minutes of special reading time every day to read with your children.
when your child brings home papers from school, let them explain what they did and have them read it to you.
select a book that you know they will be able to read with success and spend some time reading with her. take turns reading.
encourage your child to read along while listening to a tape recording of a story. ( has a great part of the site where the books are read to the kids and they can read along)
go to the library each week and read a book together. talk about the book and ask your son/daughter questions that relate to the story.
play fact or opinion with your child. you say a sentence and then ask if it's fact or opinion.
fold a piece of paper into 3 parts, let your child draw a picture of something she did in sequence then help them write one sentence under each picutre explaining what he/she did first, middle and last.
pick out a new vocab word from one of the books you are reading with your child. talk about what it means. make a sentence with the new word. and use it in everyday life that week.
when you are riding aroudn the neighborhood, take turns spotting items that fit within a specified category of transportation
use a photo from an album and have your child retell what happened the day the photo was taken. encourage the use of vocab from the setting of the picture. use words such as first, next, last etc.
make hand puppets out of old socks to practice retelling stories read in school or at home. the puppets can take on the role of characters from the story. use the voices and vocabularies of the characters.
have your child pick out a word from reading. help make a word map with that word using examples, non examples, synonyms, and antonyms. for example, the selected word could be mapped with sunsets, cockroaches (non example), gorgeous (synonym), and ugly (antonym).
encourage conversation.
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