
Showing posts from March, 2007

Please Excuse My Absences

I have to work this weekend, so I will not be posting on Saturday or Sunday. I wish youall the best weekend. Please keep in touch even though I will be gone. I work sixteen hours on both days, so I will not be able to get in touch with you until Monday, but I will return any e mails so that you know that I didn't drop off of the face of the earth. That is just my schedule and I have just gotten used to the idea of the long weekends, but I know that I don't have to work Monday through Friday. Well best wishes to all and I am off to bed! Lots of love!

Happy Friday Everyone

Although, I still haven't been able to locate my camera battery charger, I did get to figure out how to upload pics from my sd card by simply inserting it into the little memory card drive on my computer. Since we haven't had it for long, I didn't realize I could transfer them so easily that way. Shame on me I know. So anyway, I uploaded some pics for all of you to enjoy. Just e mail me if you need a copy for those of you who are family. This was Maddie's first bath in the big garden tub like a big girl. She loved it!! Sleeping beauty! I just had to get some good pics of her sleeping. I love seeing these types of pics. She is such an angel! My little hot shot! Isn't she so cute!!! Naked sleeping baby! Another of my fav's! I love you little Maddie!!! I fianlly found a program that would zoom it and not be so grainy! It is the same pic as before, but looks much better and you could actually see Kenzie getting off of the bus. She is such a big girl! This woul...

Great Day

Hello all, How has your day been? We have had a great day. Kenzie is doing really well at being the big sister. She has adapted to helping a lot with Maddie. Now she has gotten into checking on Maddie when she hears that she has woke up from her nap. She even gets in the crib and cuddles with her. I got the remainder of the rosebuds made for the last class cake. I can't wait to be done with the classes, but then again I love going, so I don't want to stop either. If you know what I mean by that. Maddie is getting so close to walking that it isn't funny. She just seems scared to take that first step. She stands and cruises and is an expert crawler. Ryan is loving the new position that he got at work a few weeks back more and more everyday. Now he is able to be home in the evenings. He likes being home and having family time before everyone heads off to bed. Since Ryan has been home too, Kenzie is a changed child. She was having major issues with discipline a...

Bedtime was a Breeze!!!

Hey, I told you I would post one more time tonight and add some more pics to the post when I did. This was sent to me on Kenzie's first day at Spring Hill Elementary. She is sitting by the little boy. She is wearing the yellow shirt. Maddie loves her jumper so much that one day, she got quiet so I went to check on her and this was what I found. I just couldn't leave her that way, I took the pic then took her and put her in her crib. The remainder of our day went like this. We had dinner and Kenzie got out a game to play while I made some fondant roses. I told her at about 8:30 that when I got the last four done she would need to put on her jammies and go to bed, expecting a fight, she put her game up, and waited patiently for me to finish. She then asked if she could sleep in her bed with Pappy's light on. She usually doesn't want to sleep in her bed. She usually wants to sleep on the air mattress. We keep a special Lamp in her room for Pappy to use when he is in town. ...


We have had a good day so far. Maddie woke up and had her first bottle, then went right back to sleep as is her schedule. Kenzie and I had a quiet breakfast and then decided to start going through some of the clothes that she has outgrown so that I could organize by size (newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24months/2T, 3T, 4T). I didn't realize how many clothes she had and that Maddie had that they can't wear or are just growing out of. I found a whole new wardrobe for Maddie. Kenzie had so many clothes in the bigger sizes that I don't think that I will have to be going to the store for Maddie for quite some time. Maddie has now figured out how to jump in her crib, she gets higher and higher everyday. It sometimes scares me. This is Kenzie getting off of the school bus, it is a little hard to see her, but I was far away and when I zoom it, it gets all pixely. I will add more pics when I post later. Have a great day all!

Birthday Presents for Mommy

I forgot to add this to the previous one, Ryan, Kenzie and Maddie bought me two new colors for my china. I collect the fiestaq collection. They bought me two really nice colors. I have a lot of the darker colors like cobalt, plum and heather(which is new and my loving mother and father in law bought heather for me for my birthday) the colors they got me tonight are persimmon and tangerine. They are really nice bright spring like colors. They really do compensate for the darkness of the previous mentioned colors. I am falling in love all over again with my collection!!! All in all, my birthday has been great! With the exception of the car, but my brother seems to think he can fix it tomorrow. He thinks it is as simple as the fuel filter on the car. Anyway have a great night everyone!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Happy birthday to me! Yes, today is my birthday. I am another year older today. I noticed today Madison who is only 10 months old, was jumping in her bed as if she were using it as a trampoline. She has four teeth. She is so close to walking the babe can taste it. Kenzie on the other hand is such an angel today. She was really good for me. I went to class tonight and shortly into it, the store came back and said that my husband was on the phone, he was calling to tell me to find someone who could run me home from class because the car was acting up yet again. Nice birthday present... I really was upset, but I firmly believe that God has a plan, so all of you please pray for us about our car! Thanks everyone! Love, The Cox's

Good Luck!!!

I decided to try and use this blog instead of the myspace one because I know a few people with it and I like the results. I will be posting updates as often as I can. I will eventually figure out how to put pics on here. I hope you all will wish me good luck with this one. I will post the first real post after I get home from class tonight.