Great Day

Hello all,
How has your day been? We have had a great day. Kenzie is doing really well at being the big sister. She has adapted to helping a lot with Maddie. Now she has gotten into checking on Maddie when she hears that she has woke up from her nap. She even gets in the crib and cuddles with her. I got the remainder of the rosebuds made for the last class cake. I can't wait to be done with the classes, but then again I love going, so I don't want to stop either. If you know what I mean by that. Maddie is getting so close to walking that it isn't funny. She just seems scared to take that first step. She stands and cruises and is an expert crawler. Ryan is loving the new position that he got at work a few weeks back more and more everyday. Now he is able to be home in the evenings. He likes being home and having family time before everyone heads off to bed. Since Ryan has been home too, Kenzie is a changed child. She was having major issues with discipline and sleeping. Now that daddy is home, she doesn't think twice, she tells me early in the evening that she is going to sleep in her room and does it. She also listens a lot better. I guess that is all for now. I found out that my brother who is one of my neighbors is moving. It is sad for the kids because Kenzie loves to play with his two, Nick and Bubba. But in the long run, I think it will be good for Kevin and Candy. Anyway, I am off to do what mommies do! Talk to you all later!


  1. Keep up the good work Kenzie! *Hugs* Sissy, I'm happy all is well for you and Maddie.....great job on your quest to take life by two feet and run with it.


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