Happy Friday Everyone

Although, I still haven't been able to locate my camera battery charger, I did get to figure out how to upload pics from my sd card by simply inserting it into the little memory card drive on my computer. Since we haven't had it for long, I didn't realize I could transfer them so easily that way. Shame on me I know. So anyway, I uploaded some pics for all of you to enjoy. Just e mail me if you need a copy for those of you who are family.

This was Maddie's first bath in the big garden tub like a big girl. She loved it!!

Sleeping beauty! I just had to get some good pics of her sleeping. I love seeing these types of pics. She is such an angel!

My little hot shot! Isn't she so cute!!!

Naked sleeping baby! Another of my fav's! I love you little Maddie!!!I fianlly found a program that would zoom it and not be so grainy! It is the same pic as before, but looks much better and you could actually see Kenzie getting off of the bus. She is such a big girl! This would be Mamaw Tigger's little easter bunny! Grandma Tigger was in town when we got this pic. She was so into getting her pics taken that week. Kenzie waiting for the school bus during her first week of school. She loves waiting and riding the bus.

Now, for today's happenings, Kenzie woke up at like four am with and allergy attack. We believe it is because it is spring and everything is blooming. I gave her a little benadryl (spelling?) and we went back to bed. The medicine helped her to get through the rest of the night. I am taking her in for a check up soon.

Ryan got off to work early. He will be home later, I think he said something about going golfing with Max tonight. He needs that outlet.

Maddie is hanging out. She figured out she feels safe enough in her crib to stand without hanging on to anything. I caught her doing this last night when I put Kenzie to bed.

I am making myself some cupcakes for my birthday. Yes, I know, a few days late, but better late than never right? I am making devils food cake for the cake part and the decoration will have to be a surprise, I haven't decided what I will put on for decoration.

I guess that is all and now I am off to find that silly charger so I can take more new pics now! Enjoy!


  1. Oh the pics are uber prescious! I love them so much!I'm so glad we had fun on the comp phone yesterday. You guys really brightened my day! *huggles*


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