We have had a good day so far. Maddie woke up and had her first bottle, then went right back to sleep as is her schedule. Kenzie and I had a quiet breakfast and then decided to start going through some of the clothes that she has outgrown so that I could organize by size (newborn, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24months/2T, 3T, 4T). I didn't realize how many clothes she had and that Maddie had that they can't wear or are just growing out of. I found a whole new wardrobe for Maddie. Kenzie had so many clothes in the bigger sizes that I don't think that I will have to be going to the store for Maddie for quite some time. Maddie has now figured out how to jump in her crib, she gets higher and higher everyday. It sometimes scares me.
This is Kenzie getting off of the school bus, it is a little hard to see her, but I was far away and when I zoom it, it gets all pixely.

I will add more pics when I post later. Have a great day all!
This is Kenzie getting off of the school bus, it is a little hard to see her, but I was far away and when I zoom it, it gets all pixely.

I will add more pics when I post later. Have a great day all!
Lucky just took all her hand me downs and gave them to Liz. I thought her closests would be empty...NO! That gal has tons more!