Baby steps is what life is full of. When we are born, we take babysteps as we grow reaching each of the milestones that we are so farmiliar with. Then as we go through school, we take babysteps even though we don't realize it and when we get out of high school or college depending on our situation, we take babysteps to get our apartments, then on to that first house. That is just how life is. God created us to take these baby steps as to not overwhelm us I guess. And what am I getting at? KENZIE TOOK SOME BABY STEPS TODAY! She is in speech therapy as you all know, but we haven't had much luck with getting her cooperation because mainly she has to hear that she isn't speaking correctly before she can correct it, so Heather(the speech therapist) and I came up with this idea to purposly ask her if tookie is correct or if cookie is correct. Once she said her answer to me she said, "No" and I watched to see what she was doing, she put her hand on her throat and took a few times but she said "COOKIE" I was so proud of her. She did the same thing with car, key, kangaroo, and cake. I even got her to say "Kenzie" instead of "Tenzie" I was so happy I almost cried. We have been trying for more than a semester to get her to produce the correct sounds, but it only happened this week. So for thanksgiving this year, I am thankful for a lot:
*I am thankful for GOD'S LOVE. He loves us so much and gives us everything we need out of LOVE.
*Family. Without family where would we be? Mom has been so great to help us this year. Roy and Carol have also helped us where they can throughout the years. Kenzie and Maddie are just precious. I don't think I would ever ask for two better girls although they fight like sisters do. Candy is great. She came through when we needed extra cash and this goes back to the first thank! God made sure she was in need of a sitter when we could use the extra cash!
*I am thankful that on of my paitents and Papaw Sonny are no longer suffering. And this may sound mean but those two are very special people and they were suffering here on earth. God took them at the right time. They are now up there rejoycing with Him!
*I am thankful that we can all express our thanks to one another.
*FRIENDS. I am thankful for all of the friends we have. Beth and Josh-- you two have been great even though you don't realize how great you have been. Know we appreciate the advice you give me. Maria and Brian-- the two of you (well really Maria) introduced us to a great church and we will continue comming as long as we feel welcome which we home will be a long time. Megan and Chris-- you guys made us feel like we were at home the first night we met you. Thanks for that. I was really debating even trying CIC and so wasn't sure if we would like it or go back, but thanks to you we are hooked! Thank you for that. Karen-- just for being a good person! I don't know you that well yet, but hopefully that will change in the future. Amanda-- you are a great sister in law, but I consider you a better friend. I can ask you anything and you come through when you aren't loopy on pain meds due to intestinal blockages! LOL Thanks for always being there when I needed a question answered girly! And the most important thing you do for me is inspiration. When I need inspiration, I look you up and bam, I have it! Ilean-- you are like another momma to us. We could never ask for a better friend in a person as you have been. Maxx-- THANKS FOR THE BREAKS. You go golfing with Ryan and it gives me a break not that I need it, but he adores you. He can't wait to go out again as soon as he gets home. And I know there were some left out, but know that each of our friends have special places in our hearts. I just can't sit here and type everything we feel about every one of our friends or I would be here for the rest of time!

Now that I have said my thanks, Have a great HOLIDAY season!
The Cox Family


  1. We are so happy that you all have found a church you enjoy! We are enjoying getting to know your family! Glad we could make you feel welcome :)


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