Here at the Cox's

Today has been an interesting day... It started with me waking Ryan for work at 5 am. He requests that I get him up that early on Thursdays because today is the day that the doctor comes in and does rounds on all of the therapy patients. So he has to be there early to pull all of the charts that doc needs. Then I got Kenzie off to schol. While Kenzie was at school, I did a load of dishes (oops I forgot to start the dishwasher last night) and a few loads of laundry. Maddie and I played in the Playroom. We had another heater guy to come out for the warranty company's second opinion and before he left he tried collecting another deductable then when I called the warranty people, he got mad and started being a jerk! He just wanted to pocket more money! I showed him my duplicate check showing that I had paid the whole deductable. Then by the time Kenzie got home, I did a little more laundry and put Maddie down for her nap! It was a well needed one. Kenzie and I hung out for a while. Then Ryan came home from work. We went to Lowes and picked up a thing to cap off the hole where the pipe for the wood burning stove used to be. Ryan and I actually got something accomplished in the house! Awesome! So, then we hung out with the girls until their bed time and we put them down, then I watched Grey's Anatamy. Great show tonight. I still have to watch private practice from last night. I am now sitting down to type in the happenings.... Next week we will be going to Ohio, so I will probably only post after I get back. I guess that does it... Wait no it doesn't. On our way home from Lowes, we decided to pick up the car since Mike couldn't get it to act up and less than 5 miles from home the check engine light comes on! So we bring her on in the driveway and call Mike. When he called back, he just laughed! He told us to take it to Auto Zone and have them run a test that will tell him why the check engine light came on. He thinks it might be the crank sensor. Which is what Pop has been saying all along, but no one would listen to us when we say those things! So now, the car is in the driveway just sitting until we can take it by Auto Zone and back to Mike's house. And that is about it. I am pretty sure this time that it is it!


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