Many things!!!

Thank you Beth! You don't know what you have done for me just by sending me the link for Dave Ramsey! I have fallen in love with the program and I have only read some about it. As soon as I can afford it I am going to take his 13 week program and put everything into play! We are going to start the process of the saving/giving asap! (Meaning at our next pay check) and we will go from there. I learned today that the budget I am currently trying to make work isn't working because I am doing it wrong. I am trying to save and give to God last, when those should be the first things I think of on pay day. What I didn't learn was the percentages I should be putting into those categories because I haven't bought the program yet, so I am kind of in the dark about that. I guess I will learn those things when I start the program. I will just have to see! Thanks again Beth! You got the ball rolling!

Kenzie-- didn't even ask me about going to school today. I think she finally realizes that Friday's are her day off! Yay! She has been some better today. She is starting to listen a little better here lately.

Maddie-- is pooping everyday. Still no rings. I am basically thinking that she didn't swallow them now. She should have passed them back now if that was the case. She has been so funny. She is now interested in walking up and down the stairs but only with help.

Ryan-- Has been himself. He is really going through some changes. He is accepting the fact that we have to make some changes financially and with the girls. Namely Kenzie. He has always been the slacker with her discipline, now it is changing.

Me-- I am myself. Not much other than the Dave Ramsey thing with me. I do wish I could start baking cakes again. I really enjoy it, and it brings in alittle extra money when we need it. But right now I just can't do it. I don't know when I will be able to start doing that again. I wanted to call in the claim on the stove, but we had to do the furnace instead and we are still without one of those. I suppose we will have one when it is time.

Ohio-- We are leaving on Weds. for Ohio. We are expecting to come home on Sunday after Deke, Amanda, Riley, Shelby, Roy, and Carol go to the Airport to go back to Florida. Will keep you posted as I can.

And I think that does it for now. Will post more as I can. I am just getting tired and can't think of anything else to say!



  1. Hey Dawn :D

    Sounds like things are well... but i think i missed something :).. maddie swallowed rings????? How scary!

    Lance is soooo incredibly awesome with Xander. Its like lance has been here the whole time! And soon lance will offcially be his dad :D as soon as the adoption papers get filed :D:D yay!!

    Well i hope you all had a great halloween and i hope that the beginning of Nov. has been treating you all well :D



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