The happenings in the Cox house.

Not a lot of happenings in the Cox house here today. Maddie played and Kenzie went to school while Ryan worked and I did the Mommy thing. When Kenzie got home from school, she went to her computer (Roy's old one) and typed in KENZIE in the correct order. So I am seeing some progress. She is recognizing that the letters make up her name and she is able to put them together to form her name correctly most of the time. She is still struggling with speech at school but I know it will be a slow process. I just don't know why she has such a hard time with the k sound. If we can get her to understand that she is saying it wrong, she would probably correct it in no time at all. We put the bookshelf downstairs today and Amanda, the girls love it. Thanks so much. I went ahead and gave it to them because I knew they would love it and Kenzie knows that it is from Riley and Shelby (and you and Deke) for Christmas. They put their books on it tonight and the books cover where the personalization would have been so it works great! Thanks a bunch. Ryan came home from work late tonight so I cooked chicken, green beans and Mac and cheese. Kenzie fell asleep at about 8 and I am working on planning the two cakes I have comming up. One is for Ryan to take to work with him. He has to provide the cake for Kendra for her birthday since they do an exchange in the therapy department. Tony does Ryan's cake and Ryan does Kendras kind of thing. I also have a birthday cake comming up for a little boy who loves High School Musical, so I am thinking about making a sheet music cake. 2 layers chocolate with white icing and then piping the music notes and bars on it. I saw one and thought it was cute. but I don't know for sure. Will just have to wait and see what I do with it. I still have a week to think on it. And other than that nothing going on. Talk to you all soon.


  1. Its been soo long since i have done a cake :D good luck with your music cake!

    Sorry ive been out of contact for sooooo long! things have been really crazy with the moving and hoildays. Xander has been really sick for four days now, today he is finally feeling pretty good and yesterday we finally got our adoption paper so my husband can adopt my son :D yay!! it only took him two months to do it!!! totally rediculous, but atleast it is done :D

    anyway, hope you have a great week


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