unpacking... does it ever end?

Since we had to run errands when we got home on Friday, I worked on Saturday and Sunday (don't ask!). I decided to start the process of putting things away today. I have 4 of the 6 drapes hung in the living room now and they look great. I will be hanging the big picture on the wall as you come up my stairs. The cake pans are put away. The silverware, and dishes are also in their places. I need to get a plate holder for the 4 saucers. We still have to hang curtains in Maddie's room and put the new bedding on Kenzie's bed. Our suitcases are starting to be emptied. Kenzie and I played v smile today and she loved it! We had such a good time. We also played vet. She loves her animals. I bought Kenzie a webkinz lion on Friday so she comes and helps me take care of it everyday now. Thanks Riley! You got us addicted! Such a cute thing to do with your children. We still have to find a home for the easels. And that is our life right now. Just getting back on track! Talk to you soon!


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