trip is getting closer

Well, our trip is comming quicker and quicker. We can't wait. We finished packing tonight. Ryan put the gifts, suitcases, golfclubs and anything else we could think we wanted to take on our trip in the van and did a load of laundry tonight while I stayed home with the kids. We are having to take our laundry to the laundrymat until I can get to the place that sells the belt for the washer and pop can have the time to put it on for us. Kenzie had school. She came home singing about Zelda Zebra! It was so cute. She also told me that Mr. Todd was at school today because Ms. B disappeared. Maddie had a good day. Ryan's day at work was quite stressful. I was just getting ready to leave when he got home but found out that Amanda found christmas Jammies for the girls. That was a good thing because I was going to Target to see if I could find any for Kenzie when Carol e mailed me to tell me that Amanda found some. That is good! Ryan still has to pick up his stocking stuffers, and then we have to buy for each other, but that is it and we are waiting until we get there to do that. Other than that we are good. A bit of sad news though, Carol has to have two surgeries in January. Do keep her in prayer. Thanks and see everyone when we get back from Vacation.


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