Hugs, Kisses and TICKLES for Pappy and Yaya

Hey all! Got an e-mail last night from Pappy. He was requesting that I hug and kiss, and tickle the girls! It was so funny when I did it . They just kept comming back for more! So they send their tickles to everyone they love.
Ryan had a good time in Cincinnatti yesterday. He forgot to take the digital, so he finished off the throw away camera I had in the van from the birthday party, so maybe soon I can get those put on cd so that I can share them with all of you.
Kenzie has been busy doing "homework" today. She is still loving that.
Maddie has been busy helping me "do laundry" and "pack" she is too funny!
I have finished most of my homework for the week. I can't believe only one more week til I have my final grades for this term. I will update you on that when I get them, but for now, I am doing pretty good in both classes.
I have to work tonight, so have a great night!


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