So, the other day, I notice a gap in Kenzie's tooth. I figured that her tooth would be comming out soon. Fast forward to today. Kenzie and Maddie went outside and said good bye to Roger, Dianne, and Andrew (they were leaving for vacation to Georgia and Florida). When we came in Maddie said "apple" so I got her one. When Kenzie saw that, she wanted one too. Not thinking twice, I gave one to her. I went on to start a load of dishes in the dishwasher and I hear, "MOMMY, MY TOOTH IS GONE!" and she runs to Maddie's room to hide from me. When I got in there I put my hands behind my back and told her to open her mouth that I wouldn't touch it, but I wanted to see. So, she did and her tooth was gone! She came to the kitchen and pointed to the floor and said, "It's there" so, as we call Yaya, she found her tooth and put it in a baggie for the tooth fairy. We will put it under her pillow and see what the fairy can find for Kenzie's prize for her very first tooth! So, pictures are comming as soon as I charge the batteries for my camera! I am just so darn excited for Kenzie! She is such a cutie without her tooth! I can hear "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH!" comming in a few months! LOL! Talk to you soon and will update you as I can.
So,after not falling asleep until well after 2am this morning, I got up at 8, and got the kids ready, packed the van and we were off to Mom's for Maddie's party.... So, I made sure I didn't forget my camera. That was a major thing... so, we get there and the castle jump was already there. The girls went and got in it right away, I started taking pics. After just 5 pictures, a screen says, Memory Full. I had forgotten my memory card. And since I had to go to walmart for mom anyway, I got a disposable camera to do the party with. So, no pics til I get them developed and then I have to scan them to the desktop so I can then download them here... Long process but you will like the pics (i think). Anyway, I am off. TTYL! Dawn
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