A new Vaccum

So, last fall while Roy and Carol were in town, our vaccum broke. It was just the spring that holds the handle up so it doesn't fall over when not in use, so the rest of it worked fine. I just got tired of having to store it against a wall and my brother needed one anyway, so I went looking around and found this one. Click the link below to see it.


I really like it. I have been vaccuming like a mad woman today. It really is more powerful than the older one was, and has better attachments. I have been cleaning the entire house just because.

Kenzie has been being herself. Just a 5 year old.

Maddie is learning new words every day, and today was the day for :
HINEY! She tells me hiney whenever she needs to be changed here today. So cute. She also learned how to point to all of her bodyparts. She does great! She even let her uncle Q-tip hold her today.

Now for Ryan. He went to Prospect to golf with Maxx today.

Q-Tip stopped by and got some of the baby stuff I have been getting together for him for Isaiah. I can't wait to see the little man since he is being named after my 1/2 brother who died when I was a teenager. Mark was a special person, and it was an unfortunate accident at work that took his life. I sent an arrangement with Q to put on Mark's grave for me. So the baby is going to be Isaiah Marcus Scott. Scott is one of Q's girlfrien's cousins who died in Iraq. So although there is a lot of depressing attributes to this baby, his birth will be a happy moment I sure do think. She is due this weekend, and I hope that all goes well with her.

I guess that does it for now. We are all getting really excited about moving. I have all of Maddie's room cleared out now so we are getting there. Talk to you all soon!



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